================================================================ Title : Higher-Synth Filename : ch1sp1.bsp Author : Chris "Apollo" Houston Email Address : chris.houston@talk21.com Homepage : http://www.geocities.com/apollozx_11 Description : Evil green Steam-punk level with a dash of greyish rocks and lots of arches Other levels by Author : Part of OUM2 from the Operation Urth Majik project http://www.planetquake.com/fatty/oum Credits : Czg, for support in very early stages and throughout the entire development. Thanks man, been of much help. Beta testers: Starbuck, CZG, Necros Id software (duh) Shambler for keeping q1sp alive and reciprocating The #tf gang cheese coffee Prodigy Various other musical artists too numerous to mention ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Cooperative : malheureusment, il n'y a pas Deathmatch : no Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes, ogro, jackboot and a couple of my own graphics New QuakeC Stuff : No Demos Replaced : No Transparent Water : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : BSP, Paintshop pro, TexMex, Wally, pencil and a4 pad Known Bugs : Ladybirds Build Time : if you mean actual time, probbaly a couple of days. In reality, about 5 weeks( including a 2 week holiday in Mallorca) Compile machine : Viglen 1 ghz 256 megs ram and ATI radeon (i'm a lucky goit:)) QBSP Time : 98 seconds Light Time : 121 seconds VIS (-level 4) Time : 209 seconds Brushes : 2394 Entities : 448 Models : ooh Faces : 8671 average leafs visible : ehmm * Notes * Be aware that this map is my first proper stand-alone released map. Better things will come as surely as 99 precedes 100:) *Story* Quake, although devoid of leadership, was still in existence. Knights, Ogres and Grunts alike pined for their lost generals, and knew if honour to their people was to be restored, the humans who did this must be eliminated. They began to start producing the armaments they would need and studied the dark technologies of the humans. They have built factories across the rocky plains of oblivion and intend to win a short war of deadly attrition against the humans. You have been sent by the marines to reverse-engineer one of the more important facilities, the gas extraction plant at Higher-Synth. Beware, expect heavy resistance from the various beasts, they will not let go of their main power source without a fight. As always, the marines are depending on you. Good luck in your mission marine. And remember, that failure is NOT an option. *Information* This map was made during the summer holidays, and is my first standalone q1sp map ( I did part of OUM2 in the oum project http://www.planetquake.com/fatty/oum) and i tried to give this map a dank, dark and cramped atmosphere. The inspiration came when I was mucking about with BSP and made the first corridor. From there, I was hooked on the theme of brown arches and green cobbles and dark wood. I drew out the rest of the layout then implemented it, and it turned out very close to my original expectationd. The theme is green ogro, which is a relatively unexplored theme in Q1SP so I thought I would make my debut with something a bit different. The combat is pretty hectic for a relatively small map, but it is possible, though definitely not a pushover on hard. Even with the secrets! If you keep dying its prolly cos you are not conserving ammo enough, as in this map, every item counts. By all means, play it and enjoy it but you MUST GIVE ME FEEDBACK! Really, you MUST give feedback! It is very frustrating for us mappers when lots of people download our maps but barely anyone gives us email about what they thought of the map, and it is even worse that most people dont even read the .txt file. Not you obviously, the people who arent reading this:) * How to Use * Extract the BSP to ID1/MAPS as per usual, and run it from the console a la MAP CHSP1. After this disgusting soiree you will be slipped over to START. If you find problems, contact me via email at the address above. * Copyright/Permissions * Commercial distribution of this material, in whole or in part, requires prior agreement with the author. Commercial distribution includes any means by which the user has to pay either for the support (e.g. CD-ROM, or magazine CD-ROM)or for the material itself. Unauthorized commercial distribution is prohibited. All scenery in this level is fictitious. Any resemblance to any piece of architecture, existing or crumbled is purely incidental and of no importance. ©2001 Chris Houston QUAKE® is a registered trademark of Idsoftware, Inc. *And finally...* You read all this way? Yay!:)