=============================================================== Title : Dead Cell Filename : chain1.bsp Author(s) : ChAiNeR Email Address : chainer69@blueyonder.co.uk Description : User-created single-player map for classic quake Additional Credits to : id software, worldcraft creators, whoever it was that showed me that ftp full of custom quake maps.. thanks! ================================================================ * Play Information * Level Name : Dead Cell Single Player : yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : no Deathmatch 2-16 Player : no Difficulty Settings : no (shouldn't be too hard for the experienced quake player) New Sounds : no New Graphics : no Sound Track : default Demos Replaced : no .map Included : no Software needed to play : bog standard classic quake (ctf, normal quake etc.) Comments : Well this is my first completed map.. i tried making one using the layout of my school before but that sucked, so decided to do a more 'quakey' one after seeing a bunch of custom maps on the web. it's set in a warehouse, with plenty of crates & shadows.. i'm pretty happy with it and hope you will be too. * Construction * Base : none Build Time : about a week Times & stats :System Used : p4 2400 Qbsp : 3 seconds Vis (-level 4) : 9 seconds Light (-extra) : 24 seconds Brushes : 441 Enitities : 432 Tetxures : 23 Texture WAD used: quake.wad extracted by maketex Editor(s) used : worldcraft Known Bugs : none * Legal Stuff * -------------------------- this map is freeware, do whatever you want with it :)