======================================================================= 08.15.08 ======================================================================= Title : Are you yet Living? Filenames : chapter_necros2.bsp chapter_necros2.txt Author : necros Email Address : necros@planetquake.com Website : http://www.planetquake.com/necros Description : Medium sized Knave textured map with some non-linearity. Other levels by Author : chapter_necros2 - "Are you Yet Living?" (Q1SP) ne_doom - "Elder World Waystation" (Q1SP) ne_lend - "The Living End" (Q1SP) ne_deadcity - "The Rats in the Walls" (Q1SP) ne_marb - "Crescendo Of Dreams" (Q1SP) -> ne_marb2 - "Surmounting Terror" (Q1SP) nesp16 - "R_speeds be damned!" (Q1SP) nesp10 - "Embers of Cruelty" (Q1SP) nesp09 - "Dawn of Eternity" (Q1SP) -> ne_os1 - "Survive This!" (Q1SP) ne_sp06 - "Once Upon Atrocity" (Q1SP) ne_empty/ne_sp04 - "The Emptiness Without" (Q1SP) n3sp03 - "The Gates of Midian" (Q1SP) ne1_q2dm - "Cosin Law" (Q2DM) n3sp02 - "Castle Necrosis" (Q1SP) n3_100b.bsp - "oH gOd!" (Q1SP, 100B) ======================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Coop starts : Yes Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : Yes Music Track : No GLQuake Supported : Yes SoftwareQuake Supported : Yes Engine Extensions : None * Construction * Base : Scratch Editor(s) : GTKR 1.4 + QuakeEd 3.1 Known Bugs : Build Time : Textures used : Pure Knave except for 1 modified texture. Compile machine : intel e6300 Compile tools: : Aguire's BSP, Light and Vis +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ chapter_necros2: QBSP : short. Vis (level 4) : 166h 32m Light (extra) : Some average amount of time... Brushes : ~4k? Entities : some ======================================================================= * Story * You were captured. Now they've brought you to the lowest part of the keep and they intend to throw you into the void. Find some weaponry and break out, then seek out the evil that controls this part of Fodrian. ======================================================================= * Information/Notes * This map requires Quoth in some form. It will run with just the Lost Chapters mod, but monsters have been tweaked since then so Quoth 2.1 is recommended. This map was originally intended for release with the Lost Chapters map pack. Unfortunately, due to long compile times, the pack couldn't be delayed any longer and this map was shelved. Technically, there is nothing wrong with this map (well, aside from kind of dumb gameplay) so I fixed it up a bit-- added more detail, a little bit more lighting and tweaked the gameplay a bit without completely reworking it. This is the result. ======================================================================= * Credits * ‡ id for obvious reasons ‡ Thanks to Kell and Preach for continuing developement on Quoth. ‡ sikkpin for doing QuakeEd 3.1 which allowed me to finish the changes needed. ‡ Bengt Jardrup (AKA aguiRe) for the modified QBSP, LIGHT and VIS programs. ======================================================================= * Installation * This map REQUIRES at least the Lost Chapters modification however Quoth 2.1 is HIGHLY recommended. unzip these maps into quake/quoth directory (keeping folder structure intact) run quake with quake -hipnotic -game quoth +map chapter_necros2 ======================================================================= * Copyright / Permissions * Commercial distribution of this material, in whole or in part, requires prior agreement with the author. Commercial distribution includes any means by which the user has to pay either for the support (e.g. CD-ROM, or magazine CD-ROM)or for the material itself. Unauthorized commercial distribution is prohibited. You may distribute this map for free provided this text file is included. © 2008 necros QUAKE® is a registered trademark of Idsoftware, Inc. All other names are trademark of their respective owners...