21-1-1999 ***SHRINE OF SKANK*** ================================================================ Title : Shrine of Skank Filename : chessp1.bsp Author : Adam Quigley (cheshire) Address : calypso@iinet.net.au Homepage : http://quake.axg.net/cheshire Description : A rather small, but challenging Quake1 Single player map decked out in the metal textures, and offering cramped, close-quarter-combat fun. Look, its a ok map, just give it a game :P Story : It was just a ordinary Sunday afternoon while you were in the park walking your pet dog Tibbles. Out of nowhere jumped a evil skanky looking ugly chick with one of those weird Indian dot things on her head. You turn but to no avail, a under-developed skanky Penny-from-Ground-Zero looking butch blocks the back exit. Grabbing Tibbles and eating part of his leg, they speak jibberish, talking in the wrist-radios to Queen Psycho Skank, not before opening a teleporter made out of styrofoam cups, leaping through it and stealing all your beer. Its up to you. Now-3-legged Tibbles and the rest of your Hahn Ice beer are counting on you to save the day. You leap into the cheap styrofoam skank teleport, while in one fluid motion grab that axe and shotgun from...er...a tree. Its time to Skankerize! ================================================================ Other Maps: Q1: Trandon, Persia Blade, c0zm0, Harpoon, Primal Etchings... Q2: Utopia, Valium(rocket arena map,in official release - RA2MAP16 arena 1) Get all of these from my homepage(http://quake.axg.net/cheshire) ================================================================ Play Information Single Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yup New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes - A perfect skank skank texture converted by great Ranger :) New Music : No Demos Replaced : None ================================================================ Construction Base : New level from scratch Editor used : Worldcraft 1.6a Known Bugs : Nuffink. Build Time : 5 Days Texture Wad used : Standard Quake wad Rangers Skank wad (one tex) Compile machine : PII 300 mxx 64 meg RAM QBSP Time : 2mins or so Light - extra Time : cant remember..not long. proly bout 60 seconds VIS (-level 4) Time : 99 seconds ================================================================ Installation To play this level, extract the file "chessp1.bsp" into your Quake/ID1/Maps directory and then start the game. Then type "MAP chessp1" to begin. ================================================================ Thanks Pleb, Ranger, Eclipse, Wob, Skanks at party - insperation, Ventura, Mr Shambler, and skanky woman in texture. ================================================================ Copyright and Permissions This level may be distributed via any medium (ie: Internet, BBS, CD-ROM, compilation disk) as long as it maintains the name chessp1.bsp and is supplied in a zip file called chessp1.zip that also contains this text document and no other files. I reserve the right to refuse permission for this level to be distributed via any CD-ROM or other profit-making medium. In other words, dont say this is yours. Its mine. Dont make money out of this without asking my permission first. Ches(1999)