Date 28/12/2004 Title : Coma Description : Single Player Level for Quake. Filenames : coma.bsp, coma.txt Author : Ankh Email : * Play infomation * Single player : Yes Co-op : Yes, but was not tested (3 starts) Deathmatch : No Skill settings: Yes Monster count easy : 99 normal: 132 hard : 158 * Construction * Base : From scracth Editor Used : Worldcraft 1.6 * Installation * To play this level, extract the file "coma.bsp" into your Quake/ID1/Maps directory and then start the game. Then type "map coma" to begin. * Copyright / Permissions * Commercial distribution of this material, in whole or in part, requires prior agreement with the author. Commercial distribution includes any means by which the user has to pay either for the support (e.g. CD-ROM, or magazine CD-ROM)or for the material itself. Unauthorized commercial distribution is prohibited.