======================================================================= Title : Sky Palace 01 Filename : czg02s1.bsp Author : Christian Grawert (CZG) Email Address : grawert@online.no Description : Single Player Level for Quake. Other levels by Author : czg01 - The research facility. ======================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : No Music Track : 6 (Place Chemical Brothers, Surrender in your drive for max pleasure.) * GLQuake Supported : No * Construction * Base : Scratch Editor(s) : WorldCraft Known Bugs : None Build Time : A week +- a day Texture Wad : CZG.wad (Mostly modyfied id textures, but some of my own.(The bad ones.)) Compile machine : PII 350 MHz 64 Mb RAM QBSP : Not too long. Vis (level 4) : Somewhat longer. Light (extra) : Somewhat shorter. Brushes : 1589 Entities : 245 ======================================================================= * Information * This level was actually ment to be the first level in a, uh, sort of, .PAK thingy. But I'm not making any progress at all on the second level, run out of inspiration. And I started working on some Zerstörer stuff instead. I had planned at least four short levels like this, and I didn't want to release them seperately as they\it are\is very short and doesn't offer many minutes of gaming. It has a somewhat different playing style than the rest of custom made levels out there. In this level you have been given 90 seconds from when you pass the first door, until you get to the next pitstop. During this time you'll have to run like a wildman. You won't have time to kill all the monsters, not enough ammo either... All your ammo and armor is delt out to you at the beginning, after that, there is no refresments until you're done! There aren't any puzzles in the level. If you encounter a locked door, you'll be immediatly told what to do to open it. As I said, I won't probably do any more work on the following levels. But if you'd like to take on the task, I'll include a small section for you mappers at the end of this .txt . ======================================================================= * Installation * NOTE: You need a lot of RAM to run this level smoothly. You can make Quake use more RAM by adding -winmem xx to your DOSQuake command line, or -heapsize xx000 to your GLQuake command line. Substitute xx with the amount of RAM that you want to use. I use -heapsize 56000 and get perfect performance. Unzip czg02s1.bsp to quake\id1\maps. Create a maps directory off of id1 if neccessary. Run Quake, hit ~ and type in: map czg02s1 You can also use Dos Prompt with this command line: quake -winmem xx \ -heapsize xx000 +map czg02s1 ======================================================================= * Copyright / Permissions * Commercial distribution of this material, in whole or in part, requires prior agreement with the author. Commercial distribution includes any means by which the user has to pay either for the support (e.g. CD-ROM, or magazine CD-ROM)or for the material itself. Unauthorized commercial distribution is prohibited. © 1999 Christian Grawert QUAKE® is a registered trademark of Idsoftware, Inc. ======================================================================= * Mapping * If you'd like to make extra levels for this concept, (It's just a concept, not a mod,) here's how: -Ofcourse you can make your own style of the level itself, but I think that the start\end rooms should be in the same style as the original. If you want my textures, just mail me and I can send you a copy of the modified textures. (Or you can ofcourse extract them yourself.) *Use the same weapon\ammo stands. *"Type" the time of the level over the start door with the num_# textures. - The timer triggers for 90 seconds are set up like this: *Trigger_once //To start the timer *"target" "ping" *Trigger_relay //These two trigger_relays send of a "ping" impulse every 1 seconds *"targetname" "ping" *"target" "pong" *"delay" "0.5" *Trigger_relay *"targetname" "pong" *"target" "ping" *"delay" "0.5" *trigger_counter //The counters give off messages of the time status. *"targetname" "ping" *"count" "45" *"message" "45 seconds to go..." *trigger_counter *"targetname" "ping" *"count" "60" *"message" "30 seconds to go..." *trigger_counter *"targetname" "ping" *"count" "80" *"message" "10 seconds to go..." *trigger_counter *"targetname" "ping" *"count" "85" *"message" "5 seconds..." *trigger_counter *"targetname" "ping" *"count" "87" *"message" "3..." *trigger_counter *"targetname" "ping" *"count" "88" *"message" "2..." *trigger_counter *"targetname" "ping" *"count" "89" *"message" "1..." *trigger_counter //This triggers something that kills the player, a teleport to hell, etc... *"targetname" "ping" *"count" "90" *"message" "Time's up!" *"target" "kill_player" *trigger_once //This is placed over the end of the level to stop the counters. *"killtarget" "pong" Actually this system gives one second too little, but who cares... That's all you need to know, I think. Happy mapping! CZG