================================================================ Title : Suicide Nation BSP Name : DaMaul3.BSP & DaMaul3b.bsp Author : John "DaMaul" McCann Email Address : damaul@postmaster.co.uk Home Page : http://www.replicant.demon.co.uk/quake.htm Check out my page for my speed run demo which you should try to beat. Misc. Author Info : A ripe young man of a tender 18 years. Enjoys 3d games to a great degree, and is especially aroused by the mapping thereof. Has recently watched an episode of Reeves & Mortimer and is henceforth in a bizarre mood. Description : I decided it was about time I made a single player map. So I did. This map was made in a ridiculously short time, considering how large & detailed it is. It is very linear, and I must admit I concentrated on the architecture much more than the gameplay, but it still ROCKS YOUR HOUSE. I managed to hit Quake's maximum entity limit, so I cut the last section of the map off into a different bsp. Additional Thanks to : All the UKPAK mappers, for being cool people. Peej, for his fixent tool, which made all my childhood dreams come true. All the usuals eg id software & Ben Morris Reeves & Mortimer, for being the first comedians daring enough to show a close up of a Parrot's testicles exploding. Pingu, who's map "twelve" inspired me to make the breaking floor & bridge. Aardappel, who sent me a lot of textures during the last 2 months, which I used. And also for being my main supplier of *cough* software. Other Work by Author : July 98 - (Q1dm) DaMaul1 - Oblivion September 99 - (Q1dm) DaMaul2 - Reign in Blood January 99 - (Q1dm) UKPak3 - The Stagnant Base February 99 - (Q1sp) DaMaul3 - Suicide Nation February 99 - (Q1dm) DaMaul4 - The Burning Darkness ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake Single Player : Yes Cooperative Play : Yes (2 starts) Deathmatch Play : No, but I plan to make a deathmatch map along the theme of the final (tower) section of the map. Difficulty Settings : No, I couldn't be arsed. * MAP Information * New Textures : Quite a few, taken from Iikka Keranen's IKBASE set, and a couple stolen from various other 3d games courtesy of Aardappel. Transparent VIS : No. I dont think there's any water. Average r_speeds : 300 Maximum r_speeds : 700 (sorry about that, but it shouldn't matter too much in single player mode.) * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Construction Time : I reckon 15 hours work at the most, including testing Build Time : Well, it compiled fully while I was watching an episode of Reeves & Mortimer. Editor used : Worldcraft 1.6 Qutilities : QBSP, IkLite, Vis Other utilities : , FixEnt Known Bugs : In real life, jumping into a fireplace won't shoot you up the chimney. In this map, it does. ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners. You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit permission of the author. You MAY distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, CD, etc) as long as you contact me first, include this file intact in the original archive, and send me a free copy (if it's a CD :) Thanks. * Where to get this level * http://www.replicant.demon.co.uk/files/DaMaul3.bsp ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames2/levels/....../DaMaul3.zip http://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/idgames2/levels/....../DaMaul3.zip