================================================================ Title : Bestial Devastation BSP Name : DaMaul6.bsp Author : John "DaMaul" McCann Release Date : June 18th 1999 Email Address : damaul@planetquake.com ICQ number : 16681182 Home Page : http://www.planetquake.com/damaul Misc Author Info. : Unlike most humans, all of DaMaul's many organs are external, and he survives through pure chance alone. DaMaul swears to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. DaMaul invented the bag. DaMaul lives on a diet of eggs. DaMaul rides to work on a shire horse. DaMaul will never play the piano again. Map Description : Having escaped the ravenous hordes of the Suicide Nation, you find yourself returned to your old military headquarters. But alas, it has become over-run by the beasts which have plagued your life since you first took on the might of Quake. There is no hope of salvaging the place you love, you must run for your life! Additional Thanks to : Ben Morris for Worldcraft, id Software for Quake, Nihilism Unlimited for the excellent Zerstorer entities. Headshot, Mr. Fribbles, and GeN for textures which I have used. Bal, for inspiring the map title. Everyone from QBoard (http://headshot.terrafusion.com/board.html). Mr. Shambler for giving DaMaul3 a good review and hence convincing me that Quake1 Single player was still a worthy venture. All the millions of DaMaul fans out there! Other maps by Author : July 98 - (Q1dm) DaMaul1 - Oblivion September 99 - (Q1dm) DaMaul2 - Reign in Blood January 99 - (Q1dm) UKPak3 - The Stagnant Base February 99 - (Q1sp) DaMaul3 - Suicide Nation February 99 - (Q1dm) DaMaul4 - The Burning Darkness June 99 - (Q1sp) DaMaul6 - Bestial Devastation Coming soon! (hopefully) -> (Q1sp) DaMaul5 Other Info : If you play this map you are required by law to email DaMaul and tell him what you think. You must use the following phrase in your email's subject: "Through the gates of Horn & Ivory" ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake 1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative Play : Yes, 3 co-op starts included Deathmatch Play : Far too large! Difficulty Settings : Normal has 136 Monsters. Easy has 119. Secret Areas : I didnt include any secret areas as they would have upset the balance which I spent hours tweaking. Secret areas are just tricks to increase the play-time of games, thus giving you value for money. And as you paid no money for this level, you needn't complain! * MAP Information * Brushes : 4090 Entities : 746 Textures : 44 New Textures : Yes, almost all textures are non-standard. New enemies/sounds : Only that from Zerstorer weapons/Quakec * Construction * Base : From Scratch Construction Time : I finished it just over 3 weeks after starting it. I did have a large period of mapping hiatus during these 3 weeks, as I had to finish course work & revise for exams & stuff. I estimate resources of about 40 man-hours of mapping and 20 beast-hours of testing were deployed. Many thousands of horses were slaughtered in the creation of DaMaul6. Build programs : Qbsp, IKlite, Rvis Build Time : About 1 hour for a full compile Compile machine : P2 266mhz, 64mb RAM. Editor used : Worldcraft 1.6b Other programs : Quark, Fixent, Qoole, MS-DOS edit, notepad Known Bugs : R_Speeds can get fairly high near the end due to the large amount of dead bodies, but they are more than acceptable on my machine. * Copyright / Permissions * All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners. You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit permission of me! You may distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, PC Zone cover-CD, etc) but you may NOT by any means use it to gain money.