=========================================================== 28.04.2002 One of our way stations in dimension 17b has been overrun. Clear it out! Oh, and stop whinging about weapons and ammo ...your a mercenary, buy your own. :P Besides, there'll be plenty of hardware lying around. =========================================================== =========================================================== TITLE: Dismembered Crates. FILENAMES: dis_cr8z.bsp, dis_cr8z.map, dis_cr8z.txt AUTHOR: Paul (distrans) Brosche PREVIOUS QUAKE NICKS: palldjon EMAIL ADDRESS: paul.brosche@anglicarevic.org.au DESCRIPTION: Single Player Level for Quake. Produced for the 100brush v1.3 competition run by Grindspire. Although it was originally started as an entry for the 100br v1.2 run by XeN. I had not then learnt to love BSP =) OTHER LEVELS BY AUTHOR (as palldjon): One Hundred Brush Brutality - The controversial start map for the original Quake 100 brush competition run by Aardappel. abab: Abject Abcess - 9th placed entry for the original Quake 100 brush competition run by Aardappel. pdbq_sp1: Recurrent Rumours - Old skool medieval SP level that was lauded for its interesting gameplay situations, if not much else. ========================================================= * Play Information * SINGLE PLAYER: Yes. COOP STARTS: 2 - Nightmare recommended. DEATHMATCH: No, I had hoped to set it up for 6-10 FFA but I really needed to get back to work on the QT00 mission...sorry. DIFFICULTY SETTINGS: Yes - via subtraction, substitution and one nasty little hack. Most fun is to be had on HARD. SECRETS: Sort of... TESTED ON: Software Quake 1.08, WinQuake, GLQuake. KNOWN BUGS: A couple of randomly occuring "invisible clip" bugs, take a look at the .map and you'll understand why. Nothing that should spoil gameplay though =) * Construction * BASE: The rotting bones of my failed 100brush v1.2 entry. SOFTWAREZ: Quake (yaaaaaay for ID) Worldcraft (thanx Ben) TexMex (thanx Mickey) MSPaint (thanx *cough* Bill) WQBSP (thanx Ken and John) Tyrlite & Rvis+ (thanx Tyrann) TEXTURES: Mostly Ogro2 with special guest appearances by Lunaren, Fingers, Quernel, stecki and metlslime. COMPILE INFO: This was made on a Celeron P200+ with 64M SDRAM, so you'll understand that it's painful for me to talk about compiling. BRUSHES: 100 (as per competition rules). ENTITIES: More than 100. ========================================================= * Information * I had hoped to really extend this level by using CZG's trick (later adopted by XeN for "Centurion") of using QEd to provide point entity teleportation of enemy. There's heaps of valid space in this level to house monsters for surprise spawnings. However, as with DM implementation, I'd rather spend the extra time required on the QT00 mission. So, this one's just a straight out slug-fest. Fire up track Left5 from The Fragile and go for it. CREDITS: Scragbait - for betaA testing, and delivering a set of demos that showed HARD could be completed on the fourth attempt. Thanx bud! Biff Debris - for betaA testing, and always greeting me with a smile at #terrafusion. TK - who insisted on betaB testing, which uncovered a "game-breaking" entity problem that would've disqualified this entry . Scampie - for sending me the HUGs that kept me sane at the eleventh hour, when VIS started telling me I was an idiot mapper. Fern - for the common sense advice that allowed me to stick it back to VIS. Grindspire - for running the show . The QT00 Crate - for patiently waiting while I got this out of my system...especially [Kona]. DEDICATIONS: This level is dedicated to Aardappel, Vondur and Peej. ========================================================= * Copyright / Permissions * Grindspire can do whatever he likes with the files mentioned under "FILENAMES:" above, otherwise... Commercial distribution of this material, in whole or in part, requires prior agreement with the author. Commercial distribution includes any means by which the user has to pay either for the support (e.g. CD-ROM, or magazine CD-ROM) or for the material itself. Unauthorized commercial distribution is prohibited. Biff wants a "full length" version of this level produced, so if any author wishes to grab the .map and use it as a base for a larger work...go right ahead. Just give credit where credit is due. © 2002 Paul J. Brosche QUAKE® is a registered trademark of Idsoftware, Inc.