# # # # # # # # # D I S _ S P 6 : R U I N E D N A T I O N # # # # # # # # # # Title : Ruined Nation Date of release : 20 May 2008 Filenames : dis_sp6.txt maps/dis_sp6.bsp maps/dis_sp6.lit sound/ambience/dis/stodrone.wav vent1.wav sagen4.wav amb_mac1.wav groaner1.wav techlp3.wav machina1.wav machina2.wav clop.wav slimey.wav waste.wav turkey.wav macloop3.wav techlp2.wav outside01.wav creak08.wav steamblast01.wav rumble2.wav open1.wav open2.wav creep_03.wav bridnmo.wav alarm1.wav telecount.wav badoor.wav badoor2.wav badoor3.wav metalhit07.wav Author : distrans Email address : distrans@gmail.com Homepage : http://www.myspace.com/distransitive Description : - Quake 1 Single Player Map taking full advantage of the nasty Quoth2 base beastiary. - Tiny SF style level: some tight non-combat areas as well as some larger set pieces - Light relief after releasing Travail - Started merely as a lighting testbed, but was encouraged to expand and complete by certain of the 'func_' crew. - One test series also included the notion that skill 0 should include only Quake enemy, skill 1 only Quake and Quoth enemy, skill 2 Quake and Quoth 1/2 enemy. I was soon encouraged to drop this idea. - In the end, one tester thought it was just right, two thought it hard but fair, and one thought it an abomination. Enjoy! Other maps by author : q1sp = start & abab: abject abcess (100b1) pdbq_sp1: recurrent rumours (as palldjon) dis_cr8z: dismembered crates (100b3 - winner) discoag2: usher recompiled (coag2) sm57_distrans: 5 Of 3 By Cloning sm82: rubicondom (speed chainmap) travail: start qte2m1-2-3-4 qtfin1 qidm = travail: qtdm1-2-3 Single Player : Yes. Cooperative : No. Deathmatch : No. Difficulty Settings : All of them, and 'easy' is very easy; 'hard' very hard. In all settings...exploration is rewarded (even if there are no secrets)! Custom QC : Quoth & Quoth2 required Custom sounds : Oh yeah! Ripped and modified from D3 & Q4 Base : Memories of 'Pipe Maintenance' and 'Data Processing' Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6 TexMex 3.4 Gimp 2.2.1 Acid Music Studio 6.0 Sound Forge 6.0 Additional utils used : TreeQBSP v2.03 -- Modified by Bengt Jardrup Vis v2.30 -- Modified by Bengt Jardrup TyrLight v0.99e -- Modified by Tyrann Textures : JPL Doom3, and then some. Build Time : Meh! # # # # # # # # # # # # # I N S T R U C T I O N S # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Follow these exactly: 1. OPEN the .zip; SELECT ALL the files; EXTRACT to your '...quake/quoth' folder, maintaining path structure (you will need Quoth & Quoth2 already installed). 2. Run Quake [with "-hipnotic -game quoth" at the command line]. 3. Choose skill level in the Quoth skill hall. 4. Then make console '~' command 'map dis_sp6' 5. Play, then email me or post a comment at func_msgboard, quakeone or quaddicted This level was initially designed to specifically test certain lighting types in FitzQuake. It has been run successfully in FitzQuake and GLQuake_bjp, but I cannot guarantee that it will run successfully in any other engine. Do not play this level in developer mode. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # C R E D I T S # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Kell, Necros and Preach for Quoth and Quoth2 [http://kell.leveldesign.org/]; MickeyJ for TexMex; Bengt Jardup is God [http://user.tninet.se/~xir870k/]; Metlslime for FitzQuake and Func_msgboard; Tyrann for Tyrlite. Thanx to all at Func_ who helped when problems arose. Testers: Jack 'scragbait' Meacher - the best Quake bud eva! Jean-Phillipe 'JPL' Lambert [http://lambert.jeanphilippe.free.fr] Siewolf (teh hard, hard man) negke (teh nightmare being!) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # L E G A L # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # This BSP may be distributed ONLY via the Internet. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any other way without my permission, and don't remove this .txt file from the .zip archive, please.