=============================================================== Title : Khanros Storage Facilty Filename : dstab1.bsp Author : Nathan "De4thst4bber" Mills E-Mail : De4thst4bber@hotmail.com Description : single player map for quake 1! Additional Credits to : id software, my family and friends, god ================================================================ * Play Information * Title : Khanros Storage Facilty Single Player : yes Coop : no Deathmatch : no Difficulty Settings : ? New Sounds : no New Graphics : some taken from a few maps i think Software needed to play : quake 1, best game ever! * Comments * I've been mapping for a little while, and i reckon this is the first map ive made that's worth releasing =). I really made an effort on geting the lighting nice (thanks tylight!) and putting lots of details in...its a medium sized base map in id textures and its quite easy (well when your skilled like me ;)) * Story * Due to the passing of the Final Decree, I am led to believe that these words may never be read. However, owing to the predicament that faces me, there is simply no choice but to appeal to you as I do now. I hope against hope you will heed my words and take them as the truth, and not listen to the lies the Military Corporation throws out to the people it claims to represent. Looking back, I can clearly remember how I learned of the corporation's treachery, for such things do not pass easily into the nether reaches of the mind. Fortune had taken me to a distant planetary system, where my information suggested that valuable cargo could be acquired by one trained in the art of deception. Utilising a former contact, I managed to hide on board a decrepit, echoing transport of the Andromeda Cargo Fleet that was bound for Khanros. My arrival was not anticipated, it seems, and I was able to scale the lumbering, metallic arcs of the landing arms without detection. It is difficult for one not to be intimidated when enclosed in such foreboding surroundings. The ascent of the looming cliffs above was matched only by the terrible man-made structures that loomed around the rocky precipices; the towering spires and neon studded panels that languished in shadows; the dark glass that invited you to wonder what might dwell within. This was the first time my eyes met with the Khanros Storage Facility. I was not alone in my operation, however, but had earlier enlisted help from a former associate, by the name of Lt. Rachel Grahams, who was endangering her career by her assistance. As I crept through mossy stone and tangled vine, over sharp cascades of boulders and through the billowing, monolithic trees, the seconds crept past achingly slowly. Upon reaching the rendezvous point, my sense of relief in the journey finding us both safely to each other was great, yet any happiness I might have felt was marred by the smallest of things. Maybe it was the eyes you can feel staring at you from empty shadows on the forsaken world of Khanros that made her gaze flounder, instead of meeting mine intently, as it once did. Perhaps it the coldness of the night that made her speak so slowly, or the mournful shriek of the wind that made her voice deaden so completely, but I was left lonelier than I had been since I had landed on Khanros, the third largest and most feared planet in Planetary System #01409. Somehow, the stories that I had heard the old interstellar haulers inflict on passing travellers came back to me vividly, and they did not make me laugh as they did weeks previously. Tall tales had been told, tales of fluctuations in the very fabric of space and time. Whispers had been heard of occurrences that drew together the boundaries of this dimension and the next, a bridge between the infinite chasms of this universe and much more terrible realms. But those things weren't, couldn't be true I thought; who would trust a senile nobody from a dilapidated bar on the outpost with matters of the space-time continuum, anyway? All I knew was that I had to complete my mission, and retrieve whatever technology that had been left in the Storage Facility without being caught. Also, seeing as the Khanros Storage Facility was known to store the most cutting edge military instruments and weapons, there was most likely a tidy profit to be earned. In order to pass the inevitable barricades of security codes, control panels and mechanical doors, Rachel had managed to gain access to the ident codes of a senior military official. Shortly, we entered what we hoped would be a scarcely frequented section of the complex, aided by the ident codes, and we traversed corridor after groaning corridor. As we shuffled along, I began to take in my surroundings more fully. The walkways that had at first seemed so empty now shook with the shunting of heavy machinery, and the pipes hummed with the shouts of distant voices, not quite human. As we approached the high security storage area my trepidation grew, and as we gazed upon the final door I knew it was a barrier that, when crossed, would change everything. She moved to the control panel. Her fingers moved quickly over the keypad, and I was silent as she entered the final code, hearing only the artificial beeps of the security system as each number was entered. The pistons in the door mechanism emitted a light hiss that echoed down the hall, and the doors jolted apart uneasily, to reveal... those... things. Oh god, I can still see their eyes! Thick and oval, staring at me fully, twisted and pulsating from the most unexpected places on their terrible forms. Limbs were contorted around the obscure lines of their disgusting bodies, and the way they moved was just all wrong. Protruding ridges of bones jutted terribly at impossible angles under that skin, that ragged stretch of wiry hide that strained to cover the entrails. Some in half shadow, others silhouetted in front of the neon lights that flickered behind them, the creatures were moving unmistakably nearer. All I remember was the numbness; the numbness in my muscles as I careered down the corridors; the numbness in my mind as I heard her muffled screams grow fainter and fainter. I had forgotten our friendship, I had forgotten everything. All I thought of was the scratching of claws on metal behind me, and the shuttle dock in front of me. I scrambled for the airlock control panel, slipped through and grasped at the emergency shut lever. But there was no time to feel relief, not while the doors were buckling from those things attacks, not while Rachel lay bleeding, dying. I boarded the nearest Interceptor Shuttlecraft and fired up the thrusters. As I drifted higher, a wall of laser fire sprayed up at me, but there was not far to go. If I could make it out of orbit, I would be clear. The beams of dazzling light flew all around, missing, skimming, hitting... sending the craft reeling. The lights were flickering; power was failing, the life support systems spewing forth oxygen at a terrible rate; I was left drifting in free space. I suppose it would be expected for me to think myself as fortunate, having been picked up by a passing craft and saved from what would have certainly been a cold and inevitable death. However, the things I saw, the things I know now, they haunt me, filling my nights with the screams I heard on that fateful night. How can I live with what I know about the beloved Military Corporation. Who can I tell when I would be believed by no one. All I can do is leave my records here and hope that they are found. I will have to accept what happened one way or the other, I cannot lead myself to believe it was some infantile fantasy or the delusions of a sick man. I must accept that I led her to her death; accept those things that should never have been allowed, but cannot be changed. But you must not accept what went on down there, what is still going on as you read this, no doubt. I only pray that whoever discovers this message is capable of holding an open mind. Someone must travel to Khanros. Someone must stop the Military Corporation. >> CITY 402032 PERSONAL RECORD 205459.66 END * Construction * Base : from scratch Build Time : 4 weeks, on and off Times & stats : who cares? lol Textures used : base.wad Editor used : worldcraft Known Bugs : none