·· I N F O R M A T I O N ·· Title : Elements of the past and the future combining to make something not quite as good as either... Date of release : 4th November 2010 Files : eels.bsp - the map itself eels.map - map source moon**.tga - skybox eels.txt - this file Author : Vondur [Dmitry Svetlichny] Email address : vondur@gmail.com Homepage : Zero Credibility -- http://www.vondur.net Description : Single Player Level for Quake Other maps by author : Check my site Single Player : Yes. Cooperative : No. Deathmatch : No. Difficulty Settings : Just some little tweaks for hard. Base : From scratch. Editor(s) used : GTKRadiant 1.5 NETRadiant 1.5.0n Photoshop SC3 TexMex Additional utils used : Qbsp, Light and Vis modified by Bengt Jardrup Textures : id Known Bugs : Not sure Build Time : ~4 full days ·· I N S T A L L A T I O N ·· 1. Unzip eels.bsp into ../quake/id1/maps directory. 2. Unzip skybox moon**.tga into ../quake/id1/gfx/env directory. 3. Run Quake. [FitzQuake is preferred] 4. Then load the map by typing "map eels". 5. Play the map. 6. Enjoy it or hate it. 7. Exit the game. 8. Launch your mail program. 9. Write love/hate mail to vondur@gmail.com Good luck... ·· S T O R Y ·· [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZlN1HZ6sK8] Eels up inside ya Findin an entrance where they can Eels up inside ya Findin an entrance where they can Boring through your mind, through your tummy, through your anus, eels! Eels! Eels (x14) Give it up now! Eels! Eels, eels, give it up now! Eels, eels, give it up now! I was obselete I couldn't hear the beat Staggerin about on me old mans feet I had one foot in the grave But now I'm nu rave! But now I'm nu rave! It's a mash up! Pie and mash up! Elements of the past And elements of the future Comin atcha I'm the hitcher Let me put you in the picture! Eels up inside ya Findin an entrance where they can Eels up inside ya Findin an entrance where they can Elements of the past and the future combining to make something not quite as good as either... ·· N O T E S ·· I had a sudden urge to make little level last thursday. (After 5 years of nonmapping.) It was so strong that I sat down and started spamming brushes madly. It took me 3 days to make 95% of it and 1 day to eliminate bugs and finetune it. The main idea was to make simple map so I won't meet mapper's block at some point if I'd decided to make something epic and it'll take months/years to do which is quite depressing. Thinking about the map title nothing dark came to mind but instead the song of my fave The Mighty Boosh which I listen to from time to time seemed to fit well. So the level is dedicated to eels and elements of various kind. It's strongly recomended to play this map using OpenGL Quake (Fitzquake is the engine of choice) and with r_wateralpha 0.5 or something. Because the map is rather watery and it'll look much better with the transparent water. It's strongly recomended to play this map with skybox provided as it makes it look better. ·· C R E D I T S T O: ·· Bengt Jardrup for his tools [user.tninet.se/~xir870k] Metlslime for FitzQuake [www.celephais.net/fitzquake] Alientrap for NETRadiant [www.alientrap.org] Unkown man for Moon skybox. Testers: czg [http://my.opera.com/christig/blog/] - please finish your yellow map THIS year, thanks. Colleagues at work - reducing the amount of turd is mandatory task! ·· L E G A L S T U F F ·· This level and its source are released under Creative Commons License. [http://creativecommons.org/] Eels! [ v o n d u r ]