.x.. ~ Freaky base ~ ..x. =============================================================================================== Title : Freaky base Filename : fbase.zip Author : Rui Neto(Portugal) Homepage : http://trinca.quaddicted.com Email Address : trinquinha@gmail.com Menssenger and Gtalk : trinquinha@gmail.com Description : Quake id1 file Date : 15-05-2008 =============================================================================================== * Play Information * =============================================================================================== Single Player : Yes Cooperative : Yey 2 starts Deathmatch : no Difficulty Settings : Yes, easy, normal, hard and nightmare supported New Sounds : no New Graphics : Yes, lots of biff and than textures New Models : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : No =============================================================================================== * Construction * =============================================================================================== Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Quark map format : Valve 220 Known Bugs : dont know, but it might have some Build Time : start this one in 2006... and was more then 1 year stopped. Texture Wad used : biff and than and some i dont even know where they come from : http://than.quaddicted.com | http://biff.quaddicted.com Compile machine : P4 2.8 512 ram QBSP Time : see below Light Time : see below VIS Time : see below =============================================================================================== * How to Use * =============================================================================================== Put the .bsp file into your quake\id1\maps\ directory (folder) (single, multi-player) skill 0 = 145 monsters skill 1 = 190 monsters skill 2 = 210 monsters "map fbase" (no quotes). and hit "Enter" =============================================================================================== * story * =============================================================================================== You were fucking with the daughter of the commander in your base, you were so exited that you didn’t saw is daddy coming and he caught you guys making it, after some slaps and punches you became a forced volunteer to be the one to sneak in the freaky base and cause maximum panic on there’s base. If you survive the commander will forgive you, if not... REST IN PEACES!!! Good luck, and next time keep your pants up ;) =============================================================================================== * special thks to * =============================================================================================== JPL -> for being a good friend! Seilwolf -> for beta testing neg|ke -> for some advices gibbie -> for saying me, dont release it (i don’t care if map sucks, it will not go to recycle I’ve lost to many hours on it) aguirRe -> for his great tools ID software for best game ever! =============================================================================================== * Informacion * this was suppose to be for Quoth2 pack but i waited to long and quit. =============================================================================================== * Other levels from me * =============================================================================================== trincasp1 - Escape (small castle map) trincasp2 - forgotten tomb (Medium medieval map) trincasp3 - Underground Base (large base map with new progs.dat) tcoa - The city of Angels (medium medieval village) 768_trinca - the tower of knowledge (small medieval map with Knave textures) tmqe06_trinca - Happy birthday (map for quake birthday 10 anniversary medieval stile) wbase - Wicked base (large base map) airfall - Airfall (Space map is a small and fun, i think...) trdmm4 - boxy arena map sm109_trinca - Ever saw better crap than this? (worse speedmap ever) sm110_trinca - Hey maybe someday i will make a good map (second worse speedmap ever) sm111_trinca - Metal Rave (much better map) sm112_trinca - Nuclear Facility (noob map but i worked a lot on it) sm114_trinca - Tripping Metal4_2 (theme was just one texture but i didn´t use it wel) sm117_trinca - Ogre Massacre (small medieval map is kind of fun only with ogres) sm119_trinca - Copy paste copy paste (Quad blast map) sm120_trinca1 - Shambler Orgy (crapy map with 60 shamblers) sm120_trinca2 - not much time this week i´m bored (crappie boxy map) sm123_trinca - DopeAtlantida ( underwater castle not bad the map) sm131_trinca - Fucking wicked train stacion ( basic map with a small train station and a train) sm134_trinca - Runecore (Medieval map with hordes and quad blast) sm137_trinca - tricky way (knave textures map pretty small and fun) sm138_trinca - underground prison (theme was tanks, had few time and only underground part rocks) fbase - freaky base (Medium base map) tchak - the tomb of chak toh ich´ak ( Under construction ) Pics: http://trinca.quaddicted.com/temp/joequake075.jpg http://trinca.quaddicted.com/temp/joequake076.jpg (http://trinca.quaddicted.com/maps.html) for then! =============================================================================================== *Compilacion details* =============================================================================================== TxQBSP 1.12 -- Modified by Bengt Jardrup Inputfile: maps/fbase.map Outputfile: maps/fbase.bsp ------ LoadMapFile ------ Title: "freaky base by trinca " 42926 faces 7193 brushes 1652 entities 169 miptex 26707 texinfo ------ FinishBSPFile ------ WriteBSPFile: maps/fbase.bsp 7448 planes 148960 29877 vertexes 358524 10594 nodes 254256 26707 texinfo 1068280 23263 faces 465260 16790 clipnodes 134320 5124 leafs 143472 29944 marksurfaces 59888 108878 surfedges 435512 54683 edges 218732 200 textures 1803664 lightdata 0 visdata 0 entdata 138529 Elapsed time : 2:19 =============================================================================================== ----- Light 1.42 ---- Modified by Bengt Jardrup Extra 4x4 sampling enabled Fade Gate 1 set Enhanced Texture Positioning enabled Angle sensitivity 0.7 set Additive minlight enabled File: maps/fbase.bsp Using minlight value 20 from worldspawn Shadow sensitivity 0.4 set 1652 entities read, 1023 are lights, 23263 faces, 10.0G casts WARNING: Entity func_door has unmatched target 'lightning' WARNING: Entity func_door has unmatched target 'lightning' 2 switchable light styles lightdatasize: 685 kb Elapsed time : 24:42 =============================================================================================== ---- Vis 2.30 ---- Modified by Bengt Jardrup File: maps/fbase.bsp 4428 portalleafs 12626 numportals State file out of date, will be overwritten testlevel = 4 average leafs visible: 229 max leafs visible: 620 near (-1088 -1040 288) c_chains: 123821560 visdatasize: 280 kb compressed from 2395 kb Elapsed time : 43:53 State time : 0:06 =============================================================================================== Trinca 2008 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ Quake® is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc. @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@