====================================================== WHAT IS THIS THING??? ====================================================== Filename: PERS100A.ZIP Map Title: Diez Equis Author: Fern Email: suspenlute@aol.com Homepage: technically http://members.aol.com/suspenlute but it's rather underdeveloped as I write this :) Description: Tiny ikbase-themed map made for Aardappel's 100 brush competition. It contains exactly 100 brushes. Made with Worldcraft 1.6 and default compile utilities. Special Thanks: Id software for Quake. Everybody and their mom says that but it's true. Thanks guys. ====================================================== SO WHAT'S NEW??? ====================================================== New QC: No New Sound: No New Music: No New Graphics: used both original and modified textures from IKBASE.WAD by Iikka "Fingers" Keränen and JF1.WAD by John Fitzgibbons, modifications included with their permission. The sky is a modified version of one found in DECON.WAD by Stecki, who is nice enough to give permission right in the text file. ;) Oh yeah and a few of my own original textures too. ;) ====================================================== HOW ABOUT SOME LAME UNIMPORTANT COMPILE STUFF??? ====================================================== outputfile: d:\quake\id1\maps\FERN100A.bsp --- LoadMapFile --- d:\quake\id1\maps\FERN100A.map 100 brushes 111 entities 27 miptex 178 texinfo building hulls sequentially... --- Brush_LoadEntity --- 83 brushes read ---- CSGFaces ---- 584 brushfaces 1400 csgfaces 404 mergedfaces --- SolidBSP --- 783 split nodes 374 solid leafs 410 empty leafs 0 water leafs 1673 leaffaces 1608 nodefaces ----- portalize ---- --- FillOutside --- 352 outleafs --- SolidBSP --- 574 split nodes 352 solid leafs 223 empty leafs 0 water leafs 1226 leaffaces 1159 nodefaces 330 outleafs 400 outleafs --- MergeAll --- 443 mergefaces writing d:\quake\id1\maps\FERN100A.prt MODEL: *1 MODEL: *2 MODEL: *3 MODEL: *4 MODEL: *5 MODEL: *6 MODEL: *7 MODEL: *8 MODEL: *9 MODEL: *10 MODEL: *11 MODEL: *12 MODEL: *13 MODEL: *14 MODEL: *15 --- FinishBSPFile --- WriteBSPFile: d:\quake\id1\maps\FERN100A.bsp added 2 texture frames 373 planes 7460 950 vertexes 11400 289 nodes 6936 178 texinfo 7120 720 faces 14400 1193 clipnodes 9544 201 leafs 5628 846 marksurfaces 1692 3440 surfedges 6880 1729 edges 6916 29 textures 574520 lightdata 0 visdata 0 entdata 8309 ----- LightFaces ---- extra sampling enabled 111 entities read lightdatasize: 22210 0 switchable light styles 24.0 seconds elapsed ---- vis ---- 110 portalleafs 305 numportals average leafs visible: 37 c_chains: 30536 visdatasize:1553 compressed from 1540 6.0 seconds elapsed ====================================================== NOW HOW ABOUT THE LAME COPYRIGHT STUFF??? ====================================================== This level is released according to the competition rules posted at www.qmap.org by Aardappel. Basically this means that if you're Aardappel, you can do whatever your heart desires with this map and if you're anyone else you're just out of luck. I can't very well prevent you from plagarizing or profiting from my work but if you do, you're a worthless scumbag anyway and everybody knows it including you, so I wouldn't reccommend it. What the bloody hell are you going to do with just a hundred brushes anyway? Seriously you worry me dude. Cheers! ~Chris 11/21/00 3:36AM