{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl {\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}} \uc1\pard\ulnone\f0\fs20 New level for Single Player Quake 1 - see important notes below\par ================================================================\par \par Title : For My Babies 6\par Filename : fmb6.map\par Author : Mike Woodham but see below, I was not alone.\par E-mail Address : MikeWoodham@msn.com\par \par \par Description : Gothic Base type level\par \par Main Credit to : Yahn Bernier for BSP Level Editor\par \tab\tab\tab\tab Mr Shambler at www.planetquake.com/teamshambler \par Deadmeat at www.bsphq.com \par \tab\tab\tab\tab \par \par ================================================================\par \par ********************\par * Level Information * \par ********************\par \par Single Player : yes\par \par Cooperative 2-4 Player : no\par \par Deathmatch 2-16 Player : no\par \par Difficulty Settings : easy - less, and easier monsters\par \tab\tab\tab \tab normal/hard - more, and more difficult monsters\par \par New Sounds : no\par New Graphics : no\par New Music : no\par Demos Replaced : no\par \par ****************\par * Construction * \par ****************\par \par Base : Gothic by Marcin Danysz, degra@priv6.onet.pl\par \tab\tab\tab\tab Adsig11 by Jimmy McKinney, Vorlon@iglou.com\par \tab\tab\tab\tab 12Sides by Zebrano, zebrano@hotmail.com\par \tab\tab\tab\tab All other areas by Mike Woodham, mikewoodham@msn.com\par \par Editor(s) used : The one, the only - BSP. www.bsphq.com\par \par Compile Machine : P400 384MB\par \par Build time : Can't speak for the others, but I spent about 40 hours\par \par Brushes : 2581\par Entities : 615\par Lights\tab\tab\tab : 244\par Monsters on Easy : 53\par Monsters on Hard : 95\par \par Soundtrack : 7\par Winmem requirement\tab : 12M\par Recommended resolution\tab : 640 x 400\par \par qbsp : 1min 58secs\par \par Light-extra : 10min 5secs\par \par vis-level 4 : 45mins 18secs\par \par \pard\ri-648\tx8520 Known Bugs : I don't use 'clip brushes' so if you get caught on something, it's your own fault: be more careful! This map is brush-extravagent. It is virtualy impossible to eliminate extraneous brushes when joining other peoples maps together. On my complie machine this is not a problem, I did not experience slow down in any area, no grey-flash, disapearing doors etc. If it does cause you a problem, let me know and I will try to work something out. Just tell me where in the map you have a problem and what machine you have.\par \par \par \par \pard Installation & play : Standard methods\par \par \par \tab *****************************************\par \tab THE STORY by Mike Woodham\par \tab *****************************************\par \par Following my previous efforts of finishing someone else's work - see FMB5 - I decided that as I no longer had the time to devote to a brand new level, I would try the same route. My motives are simple - \par \par \tab 1. there aren't enough SPQ1 levels being published these days\par \tab 2. there are some good smaller levels out there which deserve a play\par \par \par Once again, this was a bit of fun which only you, the player, can decide whether or not was worth the effort. I think Gothic, in particular, was worth it.\par \par I did make a few changes -\par \par Gothic\par Changes:\par major changes to the lighting, floor textures, windows (to stop the player jumping through) a couple of small brushes added, a bit of carving (nothing wrong with carving!)\par \par Adsig11\par Changes:\par lighting, most textures, added brushes, removed a few brushes, added hole in the ceiling, man traps\par \par 12Sides\par Changes:\par Textures, lighting, changed the windows to match Gothic's style\par \par A note on lighting: if you have windows, put the light source outside. It creates more realistic shadows.\tab\par \par If you get enjoyment out of this map let me know. I would like to carry on but will only do so if I know people play (and enjoy) these hybrid levels.\par \par \par ***************************\par * Copyright / Permissions *\par ***************************\par \par Do not use this/these files without obtaining approval from the authors in advance.\par }