·· I N F O R M A T I O N ·· Title : "Gate To Hell" Date of release : 2010/11/10 Files : .\maps\gatetohell.txt .\maps\gatetohell.bsp .\maps\gatetohell.lit .\gfx\env\hellsk2bk.tga .\gfx\env\hellsk2bkdn.tga .\gfx\env\hellsk2bkft.tga .\gfx\env\hellsk2bklf.tga .\gfx\env\hellsk2bkrt.tga .\gfx\env\hellsk2bkup.tga .\sounds\ambient\jpl\darkdropplet.wav .\sounds\ambient\jpl\evil_breath_loop1.wav .\sounds\ambient\jpl\lava_rubble_loop.wav .\sounds\ambient\jpl\monster_sound.wav .\sounds\ambient\jpl\satanic2_loop.wav .\sounds\ambient\jpl\satanic5_loop.wav .\sounds\ambient\jpl\satanic7_loop.wav .\sounds\ambient\jpl\stone_fall3.wav .\sounds\ambient\jpl\telesound_loop.wav .\sounds\ambient\jpl\waste.wav Author : JPL [Jean-Philippe LAMBERT] Email address : lambert_jph@yahoo.fr Homepage : http://lambert.jeanphilippe.free.fr Description : Single Player Level for Quake I, this the sequel of "Castle Of The Dark Ages" map..... Its title says it all... This map needs Quoth2. You need either aguirRe's GLQuake or FitzQuake0.85 to play this map as some standard limits have been exceeded Other maps by author : "Hatchepsout: the Temple of Hell" (Q1SP) "Bunker" (Q1DM) "CMC: Cheyenne Mountain Complex" (Q1SP) "CDA: Castle of the Dark Ages" (Q1SP) "Event: Event Horizon" (Q1SP) "SRC: Slime Refinery Complex" (Q1SP) "Five Rivers Land" (Q1SP) "Fort Driant" (Q1SP) Single Player : Yes. Cooperative : No. Deathmatch : No. Difficulty Settings : Yes Prefered Engine : FitzQuake 0.85 Base : From scratch. Editor used : QuArK6.5.0-alpha2 Additional utils used : aguirRe's TxQBSP and RVIS aguirRe's modified TYRLITE Textures : Doom3 (49.5%) Daikatana ep3 (49.5%) misc... (1%) Sounds : All sounds basis come from Doom 3, and Free Sound Project. All sounds have been (more or less) reworked (loop creation, reverb addition, filtering, bass boost, etc...) Known Bugs : WinQuake limits are exceeded so prefer either aguirRe's GLQuake or FitzQuake0.85 to play the map !! Build Time : 20 months (less than half part time) ·· T H E S T O R Y ·· Do you remember this Place ? It was named "Castle of The Dark Ages", a long time ago.... but the job is not completely finished... Indeed, the place is only the real horror starting point... This is the Gateway to Hell... Now is the time to proove you are an elite marine... Good luck man... ·· I N S T R U C T I O N S ·· You have to: 1. Unzip this zip file in ../quake/Quoth directory, preserving the folder hierarchy of the zip archive.. (I assume Quoth folder may be named Quoth2 ;) ) 2. Run Quake. [FitzQuake0.85 is preferred, and don't forget to add "-game quoth -heapsize 64000" options in the command line] 3. Then load the map by typing "map gatetohell". 4. Play the map. 5. Enjoy it or hate it. 6. Exit the game. 7. Launch your mail program. 8. Please give a feedback mail to lambert_jph@yahoo.fr for mapping improvement... Good luck... and have fun !!! ·· N O T E S ·· This map have been compiled to support transparent water and colored lights. Quoth2 pack is mandatory to play this map. ·· S P E C I A L C R E D I T S T O: ·· necros, Spirit, and Vigil for beta testing Thanks a lot again... You all rock guys ! ·· C R E D I T S T O: ·· Thanks for all advices, comments and help from the guys of Quake Func_ forum [http://www.celephais.net/board/forum.php] AguirRe for his TxQBSP and RVIS tools [http://user.tninet.se/~xir870k] AguirRe's modified Tyran light tool TYRLITE [http://www.planetquake.com/tyrann/] Metlslime for his SKIP tool [http://www.celephais.net/] Metlslime for FitzQuake [http://www.celephais.net/fitzquake] Kell (and Quoth team) for Quoth Pack [http://kell.leveldesign.org/] Preach / neg|ke / necros for some useless hack advices with Quoth The Free Sound Project [http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/] where I picked some sounds included in this pack (after some modifications...) Id Software for Doom 3, and all the things I've stolen... sorry for this, but I loved too much the game... ·· L E G A L S T U F F ·· This BSP may be distributed ONLY via the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized in any way to put this BSP on any CD, or distribute it, for any commercial purpose without my permission !!! [ J P L ]