*** Fall Cleaning *** 28 Oct 2003 by Scragbait Email: jackandlinda1@sympatico.ca Game: Quake Single Player: Yes! 85 Baddies on Hard and Nightmare 85 for Normal - Only a few were downgraded from Hard 85 Grunts in Easy - Run and gun fun to blow off steam Coop: No, but if I get requests I'll compile a version with coop starts. Deathmatch: No, the layout doesn't suit DM. Description: Fall Cleaning is a 4 story Victorian style house and yard filled with Quake enemies. It is a mid-size map produced for Tronyn's Halloween Haunted House mapping exercise. This level is best played with a good PC and graphics card but is tolerable in most areas on slower PCs (Pentium 2's) with some sort of 3D acceleration. The Story: Halloween is only a couple days away and the Mayor of the town has approached you - the Neighborhood Watch Captain - with his concerns about a particular property that may pose a risk to Trick-or-Treaters and their parents. Seems as if complaints about the stench of rotted flesh and growls mixed with the snapping of bones from sacrificed creatures points to a Satanic menace that even the police are reluctant to pursue. Being the good community-safety minded sort that you are and having been through the bases, castles and runic dungeons of Quake's world before, you figure a simple house can't hide much. No sense weighing yourself down with an excess of weapons, you just grab your Cooey .410 and prepare to investigate. It's getting dark and you go through the front gates. Seems awfully quiet. Hmmm... No one around. Perhaps you should see if someone left any doors unlocked... How to Play: Unzip the files into your \Quake\id1\maps folder. Create it if it doesn't exist. Use your favorite Quake engine and force it to use more memory if needed. Hit the ~ key to bring down the command console and type skill 0 (Easy) or skill 2 (Hard). You can skip the skill command if you wish to play Normal. Bring down the console with the ~ key and type 'map HHouse'. Comments and Hints: Kill everything in sight and if you seem to be stuck, just keep looking high and low for enemies. Bloodshed opens doors in this map. Pick up all new weapons too. There is enough ammo and health. Just don't get too sloppy and don't grab supplies unless you can carry most or all of what's in the crate. I did all the testing on this map due to time constraints only and not for a lack of capable and willing players. Easy, Normal and Hard were all completed with 100% kills and without cheats or the use of the one secret. FitzQuake is my engine of choice (Version 0.70). Editors Used: Worldcraft V1.6 Wads Used: Quake 101, Ogro, Knave, HeXeN 2 Known Bugs/Problems: I know of a couple minor nits that I won't reveal in case you don't notice. Thanks and Credits: Id Software: For Quake Ben Morris: For Worldcraft Tronyn: For creating the Halloween Mapping Contest and for making my map available for download. Distrans: For being my Mapping buddy and for helpful comments. I know he would do a far better texture selection and application job then I did. He also made good suggestions that I didn't have time to implement. Back to QToo for me. Linda: For being my sweetheart. I was going to dedicate a room to her but instead, I'll dedicate this entire condemned structure to her. Tom Grandgent/Woofer: For Enhanced QBSP 29 (Rel 3) Tyrann and Others: For Tyrlite 0.5 Beta Antony Suter and Tyrann: For Rvis+ You: For downloading and playing this level. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels unless you ask me first. I'm willing to give out the source files for worthy purposes. You MAY distribute this BSP, provided you include HHouse.txt with no modifications and there is no charge. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Web, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.