======================================================================================= Title : Sector 98 Filename : Date : 12/29/2000 Author : Jose "JAJ" Arcediano Web site : www.angelfire.com/games2/JAJ (yes, JAJ is in capital letters) Email Address : jarcediano@inicia.es Description : A Quake1 Single Player level made for the 100 brushes maps' pak Thanks to : QAJ & [LPB]TJI for testing the map Additional Credits to : ID software for all of this Aardappel for the 100 brushes competition idea Ben Morris for Worldcraft Mike Jackman for Texmex John Fitzgibbons for the Rubicon textures The guys who made the textures for the Zerstörer pak ======================================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : Yes Staff: Easy -- 47 monsters Medium -- 59 monsters Hard -- 70 monsters Textures : All from the Rubicon wad, except the sky texture taken from the Zerstörer pak Track Number : 6 * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6a Known Bugs : No Build Time : 29 days and an insane quantity of coffe :).......... Compile machine : P200 MMX with 32M (W98) QVIS Time (Full) : 186 sec QLIGHT Time (Extra) : 104 sec Brushes : 98 Average leafs visible : 55 * Other levels * Jajdm1- "The Fragtory", a Quake2 deathmatch level. You can get it on: http://www.angelfire.com/games2/JAJ http://www.fileplanet.com http://www.gamesdomain.com Jaj1dm1- "A Warm Place", a Quake1 deathmatch level. You can get it on: http://www.angelfire.com/games2/JAJ http://www.fileplanet.com http://www.gamesdomain.com * Copyright / Permissions * All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners. This level can only be distributed by electronic formats and free of charge, unless you have my permission to do otherwise. Magazine cover CD's are generally okay if you ask me first, and send me a free copy.