.: Probable Carcinogen by Ionous and MFX :. Our (myself and mfx) offering to Sock's Map Jam 1, a community Q1SP project. Filename: jam1_ionous_c.bsp Authors: Ionous and MFX Email addresses: voice.of.the.nephilim@gmail.com (Ionous) mfx.in.berlin@gmail.com (MFX) Description: Small Q1SP map adorned in Czg's 'Honey' textures Single Player: Yes Cooperative: No Deathmatch: No Difficulty Settings: Yes Base: My imagination Editors used: Worldcraft 1.6 (Ionous) Trenchboom and Quark 6.66 (MFX) Textures: Honey.wad, Saint.wad Build Time: Seven days (Ionous) Four days (MFX) Brushes: 4406 Faces: 25870 Point Entities: 505 Solid Entities: 49 Monster Count (After subtracting for thr rotfish bug): Easy: 30 Normal: 46 Hard: 54 Map background: I (Ionous) have never been the most productive of mappers (massive understatement), but with a week to go in the competition I started throwing together brushes on a whim. To my surprise, something started to take form. Despite working a sixty-hour week, I forsook both sleep and my wife (much to her chagrin) and worked on getting this map together. One day from the original deadline, I was all but done, save for a leak I just could not find. Feeling the end closing in, and being called into work on the night I was supposed to finish things up, I recruited help, a call which MFX answered. Not merely content with fixing the look, he initially offered to overhaul the lighting as well. Before soon he asked if he could add in another area, along with adding detail throughout the map. And not one to rest upon his laurels, he continued further once an extension to the deadline was announced. His contributions really changed the map, all for the better. The start area, the underwater section, the final fight, the lighting, the refinement on the winch, the improvement of the doors, bars and chain are all of his doing. Everything else is mine. I think it comes down to a 50/50 split. - Probable Carcinogen: Maybe halfway through development, I could no longer put off cleaning out the litter box in the closet of my computer room. My neglect was made clear when I opened the top, and was hit with a blast of potent ammonia stench. Eyes watering, I proceeded to clean out the litterbox, wondering vaguely if ammonia was a carcinogen. I had recently done training at work on ammonia safety, but couldn't recall if it fell into the category. After the distasteful task was done, I poured the new litter into the box. Out puffed a tsunami cloud of litter dust, clouding the small closet. Waving a hand across my face, it occurred to me that even if ammonia wasn't one, then this foul-smelling haze was definitely a probable carcinogen. And thus a name was born. - Thanks: Thanks to MFX for his fantastic contributions to map. Thanks to Sock for running this wonderful event. I haven't been this enthused for mapping in a long, long time. Thanks to func_msgboard for the encouragement on the crappy editor shots I posted, and for keeping the Quake legacy alive and well. Thanks to my wife for putting up with my nerdy habits (mapping is only one of many). - Disclaimer / legal stuff: Legalese. Legalese. MFX and myself made this map. Don't fuck with it without our permission, or modify its conten, without contacting us first. Unless you're Sock. Sock, you have carte blache.