06/25/2014 ========================================================================= Title : I Don't Mind If Your Hands Are Cold Filename : skhoney.bsp Author : skacky Email Address : skacky2002@yahoo.fr Big and brutal interconnected map. Nightmare is hard! Play with FitzQuake for best results! ========================================================================= * Construction * Editor : TrenchBroom / Hammer 3.5 Compilers : Rebb's tools and light.exe from Tyr-Utils v0.15 Build time : 12 days Brushes : 10787 Entities : 2810 Monster count : Easy: 106 Normal: 146 Hard/Nightmare: 151 txqbsp_xt : 1m27s wvis_xt (level 4) : 5m23s light (extra4) : 1m02s * Known Bugs * An ogre may fall in the void at one point. Some scrags may traverse solid walls at the Shambler door. Quakespasm has some small rendering issues (shadows and disappearing geometry in the cistern slime). The map looks horrendous in DP though! * Special Thanks * Sock for organizing this jam session. CZG for Honey and the wad files. Rebb for his tools and Tyrann for Tyr-Utils. SleepwalkR for TrenchBroom. The people at #tf who heard me whine about leaks. * Copyright / Permissions * Blah blah you can use everything in that level, just don't use anything commercially.