02/10/97 JANITOR1.TXT ================================================================ TITLE: "OUTPOST" - episode 1 of the trilogy... "The Janitors of Shadowland" ================================================================ PLEASE TAKE NOTE: * Even EXPERIENCED Quake level players should read the following sections. * Outpost sets the needle of the framerate-o-meter a quivering in a couple areas but you should be OK if you have a fairly decent system. * I got a bit carried away with the messages in the level, sorry 'bout that. ================================================================ Setting/story: "Outpost" starts with you in a dark, secluded area (after finding a hidden path around the locked maingate). Through the cleft in the cliffs you can just see the lightly garrisoned Outpost, barricading a seldom used access road to Shadowland. As you peer through the shadows a smirk crosses your lips........piece of cake ;) ================================================================ * A couple "Outpost" pre-posting reviews.. "Den's Den" - soon to be "Quake Map of the Week" "ONLY the Best" - 87 % ================================================================ Filename(s) : janitor1.zip containing... - janitor1.bsp [1,161 KB] - janitor1.txt - outhints.txt Description : Quake single player level Author : Neil Manke - neil@mail.netshop.net Thanks To: - Ben Morris for creating Worldcraft - Id Software, of course - Mark Wheeler, for very helpful advice on graphics - Johan Dupont (Matrix), for testing Outpost * Another special thanks to Gyro Gearloose for being patient & answering my many questions. ================================================================ * Play information * Single Player : Yes Coop/deathmatch : No (perhaps next episode) Difficulty Settings : Yes New sound/music/graphics: Yes - Several graphics from markswad.wad (@cd.rom.com) by Mark Wheeler - Even some graphics by me :) Base : New level from scratch Tools used : Worldcraft 1.0a, QBSP256b, MipDip, Newwad14, Paint Shop Pro, Light, etc. Vis-ts (vis mod by Arch Vile) Build Time : QBSP - O2:52 : Light -extra - O7:01 : Vis-ts -level 4 - 1:21:35 Machine Used : Dell XPS P120c, 32 megs EDO Ram, triton chipset, pipelined-burst, #9 Motion 771 w/ 2megs VRAM & Scitech Display Doctor for vesa 2.0 compatability. Known Bugs/nonbugs *** There are none provided, nor should you use rockets in this level. If you do, you run the risk of setting off game events before their time. Also, see during testing just below. * Fish are in the game so the max kills are: 52/63 Difficult 38/46 Medium 24/29 Easy ** During testing a "move type_push error..." was experienced in 2 areas of the map if discharging powerful weapons. Most of the cause of such error was eliminated but I do not have the time, nor the will to get it all. If that error occurs with you (unlikely), just avoid shooting what you did & where you did. Distribution : This level may be electronically distributed only if janitor1.txt & outhints.txt are included and at no charge to the recipient, and may not be used or modified in any way without written permission from the author. I would also like to request anyone who reviews and/or lists "Outpost" at their site to kindly inform me that they have done so. ================================================================ *** HOW TO RUN OUTPOST *** (with the registered version of Quake) - it is best to allocate 12 megs to Quake & 16 is even better. Info on changing that is in your Quake>techinfo.txt - copy janitor1.bsp to quake\id1\maps (create the "maps" subdirectory under your "id1" directory if you don't already have one). Then to play.... START Quake... THEN...pull down the console (by using the ~ tilde key) ]skill 0 <--- or 1, or 2 (2 much monsters, really) ]map janitor1 ================================================================ BEFORE PLAYING PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Because of the lighting style, Outpost is definitely 1 Quake level that MUST be played in a darkened room. I designed the level to be played as if it was a real life treacherous situation. In other words, generally proceed slowly, cautiously and above all think and pay attention to your surroundings. Some clues are auditory so play without music and although everything you need can be seen you do have to LOOK. * Even skill level 0 has some tough monsters if you try to take them on by brute force so use your smarts, and your swift little rabbit legs, if need be. * Most secret areas have to be accessed to manage the level. They are all clearly visable, from somewhere, although their entrance may be somewhat concealed. ================================================================ * Other & somewhat useless Info * This is my 2nd Quake level. In "Outpost", among other things, I was trying to recapture a bit of the fear I used to feel playing Doom in the old days before I became somewhat jaded. To do this I tried to create a realistic, threatening and unique setting and display the already great Id monsters in a different manner. Please let me know what you think of it and any suggestions you may have. ================ see outhints.txt next if need be ===============