================================================================================================= Title : Vigil of the Night (innovative name, huh?) Author : Jussi 'Vigilante' Jaaskelainen Contact Author : jussijj@icon.fi Included Files : jjspq1.bsp, jjspq1.txt (this file) Homepage : http://www.clanworld.dk/team-cotv/ (at the time of writing...) Description : Do not be afraid, young ones, for I am the Grim Reaper. Date of Release : 30/8/99 * Map Info * A medieval level with some tech lights, which makes it look like from the dark ages, with glitches from the future. Kinda. And the title is from an old movie, called 'Vigil of the night', starring e.g Sir Alec Guinnes a.k.a Obi-Wan Kenobi. Right, it's been a long time since I first told Shambler (URL found in credits) I was starting a SP map. Back then, it was a IKBase textured map, and I was supposed to add cutscenes to it. Now, for reasons I'd rather not tell, it soon fell apart. Then I started a IKBase map several times over and over. Then, I moved to this castle theme. It was going, well, not that good, but OK. Progressing slowly. Then I played DaMaul6. Instantly, I scrapped some stuff, and the map became what it is today. Actually, it took some time, but using my friends super fast PIII 500 mHz, I managed to get the map finished. About half way in finishing this level, I noticed how sloppily I had created it. Room for improvement, yes, there's lots of that. But this was a learning experience. I am already now having another SPQ1 level on the works, and it is much more detailed, if smaller. * Backround Story * Everytime when a young male warrior reaches the age of 21, he is sent to the Portal of Summoning, to test his willpower, strength, agility and cunning. Those who pass the test are recruited to the Emperor's Army. If one does not succeed in the test, The Emperor will select a task for him, which suits one best. Although this may sound cruel, the Emperor's Army is only composed of brave, strong warriors. This tradition is as old as the Empire itself. For every young warrior, the test is different, but always painful, and it is said that the scars obtained in the test do not wear off. What determinates the test are one's fears. The test is a psychological test too. You must overcome your fears, only then will you win. It is your 21th birthday. Today, you must take the test. You spend the day meditating, and preparing for the oncoming challenges. After a long wait, the tribe's shaman enters your hut, and gestures to follow him. You nod, take one last look at your hut, and follow the mystic man. After awhile, you arrive at the Portal of Summoning. The shaman says some words in a language you do not recognize, and the portal comes to life. "Step in, young one. I shall await your return here." You gaze deep into the portal, seeing but darkness. Suddenly, you see colors, twisting back and forth, then a landscape forms right before your eyes. Slowly, you descend into the portal. You feel your body filling with strange energies as you step inside the darkness. You look back, but see nothing. Then you notice a light in the distance. You start to walk towards it, and enter the light. You see a castle, full of monsters. You also see futuristic weapons. Then you understand your mission. You reach for the image, and find yourself in a courtyard, with a shotgun and an axe. Two staircases lead to another level, where you can hear unnatural grumbling. You grip your shotgun tightly, take a deep breath, and take a step forward... * Play Info * Game : Quake (d'oh!). Single Player : Yep. Co-op : Whatever, but the lift makes it kinda hard. And if you die, there's no way getting back. Deathmatch : Yeah, play coop, scatter around the level, grab weapons and DM :P. Difficulty Settings : I trust your abilities in defeating all of the monsters. New Graphics : Yes, some from Headshot, some from Retinal. R_speeds : Ranging from about 200, to 600. No more, maybe less. New Sounds : Zounds? Demos Replaced : Oh, of course not. Don't be silly. * Construction * Base : From The Void. Editor(s) Used : Worldcraft. Build Time : Weeks/months/YEARS?! I lost the track of time whilst making this. Every day, every hour, every single minute seemlessly integrated in to one long period of editing (always wanted to say that :). Known Bugs : While loading this level you see three 'Gravity is not a field' texts. Ignore them. They are no harm. The trigger_push in the second room may be troublesome :P. Compile time : Well, QBSP took awhile, dunno how long. VIS TOOK 9718 seconds! That's 2.6 hours! Luckily, I did the compile overnight. But this map has only 1800 brushes! It must be the ending. Light was 123 seconds Construction machine : I did 50% of the level with me shitty ole P166, 32 mb of RAM. The other half was done with a PIII 500, 128 mb of RAM. Other Utilities : Bsp2wad.exe and notepad * How to Use * Place the jjspq1.bsp into your quake/id1/maps dir. Start Quake with the following command line: quake.exe +map jjspq1 OR launch Quake normally, drop down to the console, and type: map jjspq1 And play. * Tips * 1. * Credits * Id Software, for Quake. Ben Morris, and Valve, for Worldcraft. Bal, for betatesting, and his cool DM levels. http://www.planetquake.com/bal Shambler, for keeping Q1 SP scene at least barely alive. http://www.planetquake.com/teamshambler DaMaul, for opening my eyes with DaMaul6, and for beta testing. http://www.planetquake.com/damaul Rush, the MPQ Q2 reviewer, for his 'criticism' http://www.planetquake.com/mpq Headshot for some of the textures, and for the Qboard. http://headshot.terrafusion.com http://headshot.terrafusion.com/board.htm Retinal for the other custom textures. http://retinal.terrafusion.com And MUCH CREDIT to my anonymous friend for letting me use his other computer. This map wouldn't be the same without him (much smaller for one thing). I am forever in debt to you. * Legal Info * Don't use this level as a base to build additional levels. Don't include this on a commercial compilation without me knowing. Don't review this without informing me (now that I think of it, TEAMShambler is the only Q1 SP level review site around anyway...). Don't do anything stupid with the level. Like deleting it ;). Feel free to distribute this level, as long as you include this text file and it is done free of charge. Send me comments!