----------------------------------- I PityThee Not ----------------------------------- This is the first map of a prospective runic metal episode I started several years ago, before work began on Quoth or The Lost Chapters. As so often happens, the original intention was to make only a single metal epic, but that expanded into a whole episode, which then got caught up in the development of Quoth. Consequently, this map was incrementally tweaked to include various custom content until the sheer ambition of Quoth neccessitated shelving in favour of a fresh, focused episode - Chapters. Tragically, this map languished on my hard drive at the very brink of completion for literally years. Some of the other maps expected to follow it into the original episode are in less complete, but still extensive states. Screenshots have surfaced in the past. Whether they will emerge to follow their kin remains as yet beyond the knowledge of humanity. Stranger things have happened. Nevertheless, it is time to liberate this map. It would be a pity not to. ----------------------------------- Installation ----------------------------------- Place kellmet1.bsp into your id1/maps folder or your quoth/maps folder. THIS MAP REQUIRES QUOTH TO PLAY: http://kell.leveldesign.org Start the Quoth mod with your chosen Quake engine, bring down the console and type map kellmet1 I recommend Fitzquake as the engine to use: http://celephais.net/fitzquake ----------------------------------- Runes ----------------------------------- Just to be clear: none of the runes in this map - either plain metal or glowing red - respond to shooting. There are far too many for it to have been at all fair to have hidden secrets that way. Of course, that's not to say that one or two of them won't provide a little bit of a hint... ----------------------------------- Skill Settings ----------------------------------- This map has no difference in configuration between Hard and Normal. Easy skill is strange: there are no monsters at all. Precisely why this is escapes me. All I remember is that someone else made their map 'uninhabited' on skill 0 for the Coagula map pack many moons ago. I rather liked the idea, and felt it appropriate to use in my metal episode. Some additional configuration has been added to make the map more coop-friendly. Give it a try. ---------------------------- Thanks ---------------------------- This map was in sporadic development for so long, many mappers have playtested it. I honestly can't remember everyone. So I'll just say a general "thanks" to those of you who did. I cleaned the mess up after you left. ---------------------------- Legal Footplate ---------------------------- You may distribute this .zip file, without modifying its contents, via the internet or BBS systems. You may not distribute it via cover CD without the authors' prior permission. January 1st 2008 Happy New Year! Kell ----------------------------