================================================================ Title : Dark Days Date : 22/2/2001 Filename : lthsp4.zip Author : The Lieutenant Email Address : lt.hollers@technologist.com Home Page : www.geocities.com/lieutenanthollers Description : A large-scale medieval map plus a small start map. Additional Credits to : iD. Tyrann for Moonlight Assault. Fern for the new Crossbowman skin. Also my beta testers: Fern Biff_Debris Headshot_Magnet Otak Portal18 ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : Yes - 74 / 100 / 119 New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes New Music : No Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Base : Scratch Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 1.6, Picture Publisher, QMe. Known Bugs : There's a wibbly bit in the sky in the courtyard. Sometimes the fountain makes odd splashing noises. Build Time : A couple of weeks on and off - interpersed with CounterStrike Texture Wad used : Moonlight Assault textures, plus misc. iD : and one custom texture. Compile machine : Athlon 800, 128mb QBSP Time : not long Light Time (extra) : 2 min VIS Time (level 4) : 3 min Brushes : lots Entities : some Models : eh? * Other Info * NOTE: Although you don't need the other maps in the LTHSP- series, this does follow on from LTHSP3, so it is assumed that you will have some guns. I have included a start map with this release so that you can start this (or any) map with some guns without having to play through the previous maps to get them. R_SPEEDS - amazingly, the polycount is pretty low on this map - it only gets up to 800 polys if you try very hard (by looking diagonally and upward from the gold key door, for example). * Author's Note * Well, I said last time that SP4 would be either Roman / Egyptian or a base map, but I liked the Moonlight Assault textures so much, I did another map in the same style. Hopefully this one's a little more playable. I think my next project will be a JF (Rubicon) style mini-episode. If I can be bothered. * Copyright / Permissions * The map and its associated bumpf (this text file, the rest of the contents of the zip file) are to be distributed intact and unmodified. Persecutors will be violated. Or something. If you want to use any of the things that aren't maps, ie. models / sounds, for another mod / level, you may do so BUT you must credit me in the text file for said mod / level, and also list the URL of my website (above). And I wouldn't mind an email from you either - I have the QC files for all of my custom monsters, so I could make your life easier...