======================================================================= 08.15.08 ======================================================================= Title : Elder World Waystation Filenames : ne_doom.bsp ne_doom.txt Author : necros Email Address : necros@planetquake.com Website : http://www.planetquake.com/necros Description : Single Player and COOP map for the Quoth mod. While this map is supposed to follow ne_lend in story, it is designed to be played without any weapons from the previous map. It features extra monsters and ammunition for coop play. This should be a challenge for 2 players and decent with 4. Try playing it solo for hardcore mode (not recommended for a first play! It *is* doable though-- remember, you can respawn...) ;) Other levels by Author : ne_lend - "The Living End" (Q1SP) ne_deadcity - "The Rats in the Walls" (Q1SP) ne_marb - "Crescendo Of Dreams" (Q1SP) -> ne_marb2 - "Surmounting Terror" (Q1SP) nesp16 - "R_speeds be damned!" (Q1SP) nesp10 - "Embers of Cruelty" (Q1SP) nesp09 - "Dawn of Eternity" (Q1SP) -> ne_os1 - "Survive This!" (Q1SP) ne_sp06 - "Once Upon Atrocity" (Q1SP) ne_empty/ne_sp04 - "The Emptiness Without" (Q1SP) n3sp03 - "The Gates of Midian" (Q1SP) ne1_q2dm - "Cosin Law" (Q2DM) n3sp02 - "Castle Necrosis" (Q1SP) n3_100b.bsp - "oH gOd!" (Q1SP, 100B) ======================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Coop starts : Yes + Gameplay Rebalance! Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : Yes Music Track : No GLQuake Supported : Yes (although prefered at least Fitzquake or something with upped limits like Darkplaces or aguire's GLQuake) SoftwareQuake Supported : Unsure (I can't run winquake) Engine Extensions : None * Construction * Base : Scratch Editor(s) : GTKRadiant 1.4 + QE3(sikkpin) Known Bugs : None that I know of. Build Time : Brushwork was off and on for about half a year with lighting done simulatenously. It was playtested and then I got hit with a bucketload of work so I never had the chance to implement skill levels and betatest changes until now. Textures used : ikbase (and a few rtGnosis) textures with a few random idbase ones. Compile machine : intel e6300, 1gb ram Compile tools: : Aguire's BSP, Light and Vis (thanks aguire!) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ne_lend: QBSP : 1 minute Vis (level 4) : 4.5 hours Light (extra4) : 47 minutes Brushes : 3500 world brushes Entities : 1104 ======================================================================= * Story * After narrowly escaping the underground cavern through the stargate, you stumble into what appears to be a waystation somewhere in or on the way to the Elder World. Surrounded by insane waystation guards and evil beasts seeping out of the void towards the station, you must find a way to reset the stargate in an attempt to, if not return to your own world, at least leave this awful bastion of twisted rage behind. ======================================================================= * Information/Notes * This map vises surprisingly fast, all things considered. There's a walkmonster in wall error, but that error is incorrect. The monster is fine. r_speeds are a little high in the first large outdoor area. ~1500-2000 when looking in certain directions. This map makes use of a skybox ("nebula"). It's been tested and works in fitzquake80 and Darkplaces. ======================================================================= * Credits * ‡ id for obvious reasons ‡ Thanks to Kell and Preach for continuing developement on Quoth. ‡ sikkpin for doing QuakeEd 3.1 which allowed me to finish the changes needed. ‡ Bengt Jardrup (AKA aguiRe) for the Modified QBSP, LIGHT and VIS programs. ‡ Iikka Keranen for a great texture set ======================================================================= * Installation * This map REQUIRES the Quoth 2 modification. It will not function correctly with Quoth 1. unzip these maps into quake/quoth directory (keeping folder structure intact) run quake with quake -hipnotic -game quoth +map ne_doom ======================================================================= * Copyright / Permissions * Commercial distribution of this material, in whole or in part, requires prior agreement with the author. Commercial distribution includes any means by which the user has to pay either for the support (e.g. CD-ROM, or magazine CD-ROM)or for the material itself. Unauthorized commercial distribution is prohibited. You may distribute this map for free provided this text file is included. © 2008 necros QUAKE® is a registered trademark of Idsoftware, Inc. All other names are trademark of their respective owners...