======================================================================= 02.07.04 ======================================================================= Title : CS INVASION FLEET! Filenames : ne_dust2.bsp ne_dust2.txt Author : necros Email Address : necros@planetquake.com Website : http://www.planetquake.com/necros Description : Single Player map. I followed the "Parody" theme, but i think it may be a bit too subtle for most people to catch on to. So, incase you don't get it, this map is based off of de_dust2, one of the most popular levels for CS (counter-strike). i didn't really adhere to the rules this time, going over the time limit by a rather large amount (3h:30m instead of 1h:40m) but i think, in the end, it was worth the rule breakage. It turned out a lot better than i had thought was possible on the limited time frame, and considering i did the whole thing in one sitting as well. the gameplay is still kind of shitty, as i didn't have time to set up all the teleportation for the monsters as that takes a while. (god, how i wish quake had a spawn monster function!) also, lighting could have used more work. there were a lot of places where spotlights could have enhanced the overall look but i didn't want to take anymore time than i took already. perhaps i'll do a "second edition" version later... :P Other levels by Author : nesp16 - "r_speeds be damned!" (Q1SP) nesp10 - "Embers of Cruelty" (Q1SP) nesp09 - "Dawn of Eternity" (Q1SP) ne_sp06 - "Once Upon Atrocity" (Q1SP) ne_empty/ne_sp04 - "The Emptiness Without" (Q1SP) n3sp03 - "The Gates of Midian" (Q1SP) ne1_q2dm - "Cosin Law" (Q2DM) n3sp02 - "Castle Necrosis" (Q1SP) n3_100b.bsp - "oH gOd!" (Q1SP, 100B) ======================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Coop starts : No Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : No Music Track : No GLQuake Supported : Yes SoftwareQuake Supported : Yes Engine Extensions : No * Construction * Base : Layout from de_dust, all original brushwork Editor(s) : GTKRadiant 1.3.12 Known Bugs : hmmmm... lighting could be better, gameplay could be better tuned... Build Time : 3 1/2 hours Textures used : Q1 Metal/Unreal Rock tex, Q3A Rock tex Compile machine : AMD 2.32 Ghz, 512MB Ram Compile tools: : TreeQBSPBJP, Light, Rvis+ (All by Bengt Jardrup). +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ nesp10: QBSP : 4 seconds Vis (level 4) : 2 minutes Light (extra) : 1 minutes, 34 seconds Brushes : ~900 Entities : some ======================================================================= * Story * OH NO!!!! THEY ARE INVADING!!! QUICK!!! SOME ONE SET UP US THE BOMB!!!!!111oneoneone ======================================================================= * Information/Notes * roar! play it with: quake +map ne_dust ======================================================================= * Credits * ‡ id for obvious reasons ‡ Thanks to Starbuck and Scampie for running the speed mapping everyweek! ======================================================================= * Installation * er... just play it. ======================================================================= * Copyright / Permissions * Commercial distribution of this material, in whole or in part, requires prior agreement with the author. Commercial distribution includes any means by which the user has to pay either for the support (e.g. CD-ROM, or magazine CD-ROM)or for the material itself. Unauthorized commercial distribution is prohibited. You may not distribute this map for free by any means. it's meant to be distributed with the competition as a whole. Refer to the copyright /permissions of the competition's readme. (if present) © 2003 necros QUAKE® is a registered trademark of Idsoftware, Inc. All other names are trademark of their respective owners... Ok, done, finally. =) Wow! You read this whole thing! ;)