================================================================ Title : Nozza's Palace Filename : NOZZA.BSP Author : Steven Norrie Email Address : N/A Description : Small Level, not brilliant but it's not bad for a first ever effort.(There's one secret area) Author info : I am a 14 year old school kid in merry old England. I am an avid gamer and I like mucking around with games, especially those like Quake. (I am currently making a quakeC total conversion) Additional Credits to : The Gods at Id Software for making the best game ever and Ben Morris for making Worldcraft, the best editor out there! (Ben makes very good editors, being the creator of the doom construction kit. There's your plug Ben, where's my registered copy?) ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake Registered v1.01+ Single Player : Yes (Made for this) Cooperative 2-4 Player : No (Who plays it anyway?) Deathmatch 2-16 Player : No (Hey, I'm just a beginner) Difficulty Settings : No (Equivalent to Normal) New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New QuakeC : No New MDL's : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft V1.0a (The best quake editor in the world - ever!) Known Bugs : None * Copyright / Permissions * You can do whatever you want to do with this level. When distributing though, please include this text file