Title: Laboratory X Date 5/18/08 Author Orlando Crispaldi Email Address orl177@aol.com ==Play Information== Single player: Yes Cooperative: Yes Deathmatch: No Difficulty settings: No New sounds: No New Textures: Yes New Music: No Demos Replaced: None ==Construction== Base: from scratch Editors used: Worldcraft 1.6 Wally 1.55b Known bugs: More than likely Build time: 7 months ==Info== Originally planned to be the second map in the Orlmap Series 2 pack. This map however exceeded too many of Quake's limits to be playable in a standard Quake engine. Therefore a specific engine is necessary to run the map. Link below. ==Use== Extract omlabx.bsp into your id1/maps directory. Load up Quake, go to the console, and type in "map omlabx". Your good from there. Skill levels were planned for this map, but are not included, so it does not matter which skill you pick, it will have the same amount of monsters each time. ==Thanks== Special thanks goes out to: Peg for playtesting and giving good mapping advice and tips. Trinca for playtesting and providing feedback Rocketguy for playtesting Rudl for playtesting and providing feedback JPL for his contribution of extracting the many Doom 3 textures used in this map. WAD included. And Bengt Jardrup for his amazing compiling utilities, as well as his continued support, for if it were not for him and his tools, this map would not be possible. I have provided a link to the engines that have been tested and confirmed to load this map: (glquake recommended but winquake works just as good) http://user.tninet.se/~xir870k/glquakebjp.zip