================================================================ Title : the fistfucking little box Filenames : pdq1sp1.bsp pdq1sp1.txt Date Finished : mid/late 2002 Date Released : August 2003 Author : Pablo Dictter Address : pablodictter@nyc.com Description : an old quake map of mine, started somewhere in late 2001 or early 2002. never got around to finish the whole map, so i just made it tiny. then, fixed alot of things from it and well, this is the final product. the level is small and straightforward, hard if you play it in skill 3/4, which is the recomended skill. there isnt alot of ammo/health tho', and the map has a 2d feel, thats because is one of my earliest and first released quake maps. hehe. never bothered to re-do it and make it cool. i included a zip file with an older start area and a tiny room, that for some reason never used, i mean i did, but well... :) Special Thanks to : tobias munch for testing and telling me to have this released. qmap.org (r.i.p) - the dudes that answered my stupid questions hehe. i cant remember if the red sky is from the ikbase texture wad or from the hexen2.wad... damn. Inspiration : marilyn manson's holy wood. thats it. ================================================================ Play Information Single Player : Yes Deathmatch : No Cooperative : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Music : No New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : No CD Track : 6 ================================================================ Construction Base : New level from scratch Editor used : Worldcraft v1.6a Known Bugs : None . Texture Wad : biff's base.wad, it rules =============================================================== Copyright and Permissions This level may be distributed via any medium (ie: Internet, BBS, CD-ROM, compilation disk) as long as it maintains the name pdq1sp1.bsp and is supplied in a zip file called pdq1sp1.zip that also contains this text document and no other files, and obiously, no modifications can be made to this file or your own brooms. Do not masturbate with the level or/and txt file. you are one sick bastard for doing so. use a broom instead. and yes, doch can control your fucking thoughs! ©2003 Pablo Dictter.