----- Date: ----- 20.12.2002 ----- Files: ----- q1tm2_czg.bsp q1tm2_czg.txt (this file) ----- ShortName: ----- q1tm2_czg ----- LongName: ----- hrdtrffc (Hard Traffic) ----- Creator: ----- Christian Grawert (czg) grawert@online.no http://www.planetquake.com/greyvoid/ ----- Type Stats Etc: ----- Quake single player map Created for Turtlemap session two QBSP 23 seconds Tyrlite 272 seconds Hvis 328 seconds ----- Description: ----- Small, really small, Doom styled map FUBAR gameplay, stupid stylings, somewhat fun Was really, really rushed so ending is too silly ----- Credits: ----- Fatty arranged the textures (pq/fatty) TexMex is great (pq/texmex) Tyrlite is excellent (pq/tyrann) AdQuedit is a neccesary evil ----- Deal: ----- I made the map, though not the textures Please don't mess with the map without my permission 'Messing' means distributing for money and blatant stealing kthx gdb lvczg xtpn ----- End: -----