saterday 21 december 2002 - 23:39 GMT =========================== Title : Phala erectus Filename : q1tm2_hrimfaxi.bsp Author : Peter Sørensen Email Address : Homepage : None ================================================================= Other Levels by Author : None released - But I have one lage Q1 sp level done and finished - mapname: "Frying obstacles" - The only problem is it won't make a full level 4 vis - I hope to get it to vis sometime real soon! * Play Information * Single Player : Yes! Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : N0 New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * .BSP info * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6 Build Time : The most of my free time for a week!! Boy do I need some sleep! Texture Wad used : Mostly Id's old textures but some new ones here and there! Compile machine : AMD 2200+ 256mb DDR RAM Geforce ti 4200 QBSP Time : 13 secs Light (-extra) Time : 54 secs VIS (-level 4) Time : 19:56 min Brushes : Around 600 Entities : About 280 Known Bugs : I'm sure that there are some/a lot. I haven't had the time to really test the map. In order to finish the map in time I had to cut the ending short! I had another idear for the ending but alas it should not be! If the lightning can be called a bug then that is it! I only had three hours to do it! Then again maybe you think the whole level is a bug! 8-) ================================================================================================= HAPPY HOLIDAYS ALL YOU QUAKERS! ================================================================================================= * Copyright / Permissions * This level is made exclutive for the second turtle mapping event only. You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels! You may distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, PC/Game Mag cover-CD, etc) but you MUST inform me before you do this.