10/12/00 ================================================================ Title : Towne Filename : rc3.bsp Author : Robert "Fat Controller" Cruickshank Email Address : fatty@planetquake.com Website: : http://www.planetquake.com/fatty/ Description : Medieval towne that follows on from RC2: Swamp. See the Story. Additional Credits : - Ben Morris for Worldcraft - The folks on rec.games.computer.quake.editing - All the playtesters, including the OUM team, poor things. - Dem goofy Qmap folks for all their support, moral or otherwise :) - Mickey J for TexMex - Steve Rescoe for Shadow over Innsmouth and Village of Dread - Gibfest for offering his system for vising this beast ================================================================ * Story * "Do you think he's dead?" An ogre and a knight peer into a broken cellar window at a motionless figure underneath a pile of broken boxes, dishes, shelving and sundry items. The ogre shrugs. "I hope so. He just came up outa the water at the docks and blew my off-sider apart, and I chased him up that old alleyway by the warehouse." The knight nods. "Yeah, then he nearly runs me down coming out of there..." Reflectively, he adds, "Pretty good speed for his condition." The ogre looks puzzled. "What condition?" The knight grins. "Bloody awful." The ogre laughs. "Gotta be worse now he's tripped through that window - say, is that blood by his head?" "Don't know. It's hard to see in this light." "Well, go down there with a torch and check." "Not alone! You can back me up." "I can't fit through that window, tin man. What's the matter, scared of a corpse?" "As a matter of fact, yes. You know those Koth cultists are getting active again?" "Oh relax, they'll be dealt to tonight. If this guy goes zombie, at least he's cooped up in there out of the way." "True. Tell you what: let's report this to the Chief. He'll know what to do." "Good idea. Let's stop by an inn first - I could do with a little steadier." * * * The Chief of Guards glares at our two plot devices, tapping one of its three legs. "This is news of both good and ill. News of good, for this M'rheen has ended the lives of those who violated tombs. News of ill, for it has violated tombs in its turn, and entered our walls, and may even now be ravening through the streets." Knight and ogre look baffled. "But he - it's dead -" The vore slams fists on the table. "Fools! Ye know naught of M'rheens - they are the most mighty and evil force of death and destruction ever to blight the realms! They possess weaponry like unto the followers of Koth - they fight to the death - they outwit the cleverest of traps - they can even -" it leans forward, bringing its face far too close for either knight or ogre's liking - "rise - from - the - dead!" It straightens up, leaving both knight and ogre white-faced. "So return to where you left the M'rheen, and ensure it is dead and beyond the grasp of the followers of accursed Koth. And bring the head unto me!" * * * Our pet monsters return to the broken window, and spend a while passing a bottle back and forth. Finally, the knight squares his shoulders, ignites a torch from the nearby streetlight, and begins to push himself through. "Damn! Hey, light another torch will you? I dropped mine." "Right - did you see anything?" "No - not enough. Hang on while I get inside." There is scraping, a thump of feet on floor. The knight peers around nervously, but doesn't see the axe head that sweeps head from shoulders. The axe's owner looks up at a cry from outside. "Ready for that torch?" Fades into the shadows beneath the window. "Hey - you all right in there?" An arm brandishing a torch is thrust into the cellar, followed by a worried ogre's head. He sees the jumbled wreckage of box and shelf - the corpse of the knight - a flash of bloody metal sweeping into his face - Silence, save for laboured breathing, and the sound of liquid dripping. * * * The Chief of Guards paces nervously, waiting on word of the M'rheen. Eventually, it utters a weary curse and begins to plan defences. The church - sanctum of the Holy of Holies - must at any cost be preserved. With a M'rheen at large in the streets, and the followers of the outlawed Koth cult gathering for who knows what dark purposes, one may as well bar the doors and redouble the patrols. Yes. The guards will be waiting. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes. Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No. Totally unsuitable Difficulty Settings : Yes Easy: 83 Normal: 101 Hard: 123 New Sounds : No New Graphics : Textures by Steve "Laserhed" Rescoe, some Rogue, Zerstörer, Hexen II New QuakeC Stuff : No Demos Replaced : No Transparent Water Support: Yes * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft; TexMex (wad); TyrLite; rvis+ Known Bugs : R_speeds can reach close on 1000 in places, especially around the docks. Some doors don't make any sound. Probably not enough sound channels. Build Time : Over a year, on and off. Compile machine : Compaq Presario 2200 (Cyrix MGX-166, 30MB RAM) (That's right: *30* megs! Compaq dedicates 2 megs for video, but it still manages to get away with saying 16 megs in the ads. In short: I ain't no Bario.) QBSP Time : 37 minutes 23 seconds Light Time : 2 hours 57 minutes 23 seconds VIS (-level 4) Time : 41 hours 28 minutes 28 seconds - THIS IS NOT A JOKE! (About 4 hours on Gibfest's rig!) Brushes : 1634 Entities : 749 Models : 123 average leafs visible : 206 * How to Use * Extract the BSP to ID1/MAPS as per usual, and run it from the console a la MAP RC3. Better still, get Swamp (RC2) and start off with that one. If you find problems, contact me via email at the address above. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic format that is sold for money without my explicit written permission! This includes magazine cover CDs. Wait for OUM to come out. DO NOT distribute this file through any electronic network (internet, FIDO, local BBS etc.) ================================================================ * Spoilers * Explore. Some gear is tucked well away from the main path, and let's face it. If you don't probe every nook and cranny, you're gonna die. Can't find the gold key? Slow down and listen outside doors. (If you still can't figure it out, it's upstairs.) Can't get the red armour secret? Take a leap onto the chain above the Perforator. Still too hard? Download Swamp (RC2) then and run that first :)