5/1/97 SLAUGHTR.TXT [new Quake Single Player level] ================================================================ TITLE: the "SLAUGHTERHOUSE" ================================================================ PLEASE TAKE NOTE: * Visit all crucified zombies in the game. Some have important messages for you. You'll be damn lucky to find your way out if you don't. * The method I used to create 'safety glass' has one drawback...it bleeds when shot, so don't let that confuse you :) * You will get 5 'walkmonster-in-wall' messages at the game's start. They are where they should be. Let's just say, they are 'priming' something :) * About the only places where you might become lost are in the underblood channels and their entrances or exits ....just look for bubbles. * In the little control room (overlooking the area with the crucified and gutted Sham) there are 3 buttons on the control panel. Make sure you push all 3...you should get 3 messages. * Unless your good with your axe you'll have to get into the Slaughterhouse to get enough ammo to kill the monsters outside...skill 2 only. ================================================================ Setting/story: "Slaughterhouse" starts with you trying to break into the slaughterhouse. I have no idea why you're breaking into a slaughterhouse but your biggest problem will be getting back out:) ================================================================ Filename(s) : slaughtr.zip containing... - slaughtr.bsp [1,446 KB] - slaughtr.txt Description : Quake Single Player level Author : Neil Manke - neil@mail.netshop.net -I live in Kamloops, B.C. Canada, also home of my level authoring sig, the "Black Widow" spider. -Previous levels are available at AWOQ, crash's, Lt. Dan's, Den's Den and cdrom.com Thanks To: * Ben Morris for creating Worldcraft * Id Software, of course! * the map testers (some were off-duty:) * Magnus Jansén * Greg Helton * Johan Dupont (Matrix) * Rob Hassinger (Lord Shylock) * Paul Taylor Thanks also to: * Gyro Gearloose...playing his very interesting & fun level, "Corporal Punishment", inspired me:) ================================================================ * Play information * *Single Player* : Yes Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New sound/music/graphics: All new graphics by me (incl. a few I've used before, +1 altered Gyro texture) Base : New level from scratch Tools used : Worldcraft 1.2, QBSPfull, MipDip, Newwad14, Paint Shop Pro, Light, etc. Vis-ts (vis mod by Arch Vile) Build Time : QBSP - a couple minutes : Light -extra - OO:O4:5O : Vis-ts -level 4 - OO:40:39 (CR 3.0) Machine Used : Dell XPS P120c Max Kills Possible : Skill 0 63/65 Skill 1 73/77 Skill 2 88/93 Known Bugs/nonbugs * Some people have reported to me that they get stuck occassionally on button-switches in my levels. I have no idea why. I wasn't sticking to any here, and I altered 2 slightly (that 1 tester stuck to). Yes they are set right! Save your game frequently in case. * 1 item drops from the level at skill 0. It's not needed. Distribution : This level may be electronically distributed only if slaughtr.txt is included and at no charge to the recipient, and may not be used or modified in any way without written permission from the author. I would also like to request anyone who reviews and/or lists "SLAUGHTERHOUSE" at their site to kindly inform me that they have done so. Thanks:) ================================================================ *** HOW TO RUN SLAUGHTERHOUSE *** (with the registered version of Quake) - you 'may' have to allocate 12 megs (I didn't) to Quake & 16 is even better. Info on changing that is in your Quake>techinfo.txt - copy slaughtr.bsp to quake\id1\maps (create the "maps" subdirectory under your "id1" directory if you don't already have one). Then to play.... START Quake... THEN...pull down the console (by using the ~ tilde key) ]skill 0 <--- or 1, or 2 ]map slaughtr **To all those who this applies: Consider getting WinQuake or Scitech Display Doctor and play Quake in a higher resolution. These textures are designed for med-high res and are not as appreciable otherwise. With either of those progs you do not need a super machine. I run in 640x480 with my P120. ================================================================ * Other Info * This is my 5th SP level. Please let me know what you think of it and feel free to offer any suggestions you may have. ***** SPOILER WARNING - READ NO FURTHER if you don't want hints ****** Read 'Please Take Note' above. The map is non-linear during the center stages...though all major areas will have to be traversed to complete. This will require backtracking a few times. A few hints where ya might get stuck... * Open the passenger side door of the truck, in the yard where you 1st enter the level. That turns on the truck's interior and box light. Then you'll be able to see the silver key :) * The door leading to the office is by one of the GIB-ER-MATIC 'skull' switches. * In the "blast freezer' room there is a control box that moves the crane-thing for moving the cubes...it will take out the Demon or the Shambler for you but you need a bit of timing:) The lethargic Sham in the cold water can be killed by shooting him from above. * The 'gold key door' is just outside of the office door that is by the file cabinet. Through that door is the lunchroom and locker/ bathroom. * To exit the level shoot out the left window in the lunchroom. That's the room with the still alive dog in the oven. Outside is a jeep, it will start moving once you position yourself in the middle of it. SECRETS- most will need to be found to complete the level #1 is directly behind one of the gib-er-matic teeth sets. #2 is in the 'Blast Freezer' room behind the Sham about to be frozen into a Shamcube. Shoot the "Black Widow" spider that's frozen in a little cube beside him to open the secret door. #3 is directly below where you get the message "Service personel only", right beside freezer room. It is in the blood draining channels. #4 is above the semi-auto-gibber in the room where you can see the "Blast Freezer" sign. Ride the gibber up to get to it. #5 is above the file cabinet in the office. Shoot the picture and it will move aside. #6 is in a channel of off the blood pool in the 'juicer' room which is where the gold key is.