extra 4x4 sampling enabled using minlight value 15 from worldspawn. 254 entities read, 27 are lights. 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9.... Lighting Completed. Writing BSP version 29 120 minutes to make 5 hrs to fix ?\_(????)_/? featuring: - fake GI - fake terrain (I hope I fixed every place where you could fall thru) - fake open world - fake nonlinear progress (Im pretty sure I fixed so you cant get stuck) - fake sandbox with fake desert texture - fake horde combat - real hard difficulty - fog - textures from Rubicon 2 and Simonoc WARNING: fog is tweaked for DP, if you play in something fitz-like type fog 0.035 in console to make it look somewhat like its supposed to be! IMPORTANT WARNING: save often, the map is pretty hard you WILL die