* INFO * Authors: NotoriousRay, RPG, PuLSaR, Zwiffle, distrans Title: Rubicondom Filename: sm82.zip (containing sm82.bsp and sm82.txt) Released: July 18, 2005 Textures: metlslime, Kell, id software, and Quantum Axcess Testers: NotoriousRay, RPG, PuLSaR, Zwiffle, distrans, GomJabbar, bear, Bal, Kell Released at: http://rpg.spawnpoint.org Released by: RPG - rpgove@gmail.com * DESCRIPTION * Here's a quote from the original SM28 that pretty much sums it up: > As a change to the normal speedmap formula mr. DaMaul > decided it would be cool to cobble together all the speedmaps > and make them into a proper "professional" quality SP map, > worthy of the extremely fussy Mr. Shambler himself. > > To make it work, we decided on a standard texture theme > and I instructed the other participants to create a small section > of map consisting of a few nice looking rooms, which would then be > sent to mr. DaMaul, aka. myself, for combination and polishing > and general adding to of greatness. This was far more work than I > thought and I hope to never undertake a similar operation again > unless paid." Basically the samething happened here. We started the speed chainmap on June 12, 2004, and then the torture began. NotoriousRay ended up somewhat reluctantly gluing the map together, but the gameplay and lighting still needed to be done, as well as some small architectural work. At this point Zwiffle and RPG stepped up to work on the lighting and architecture, but RPG was pretty selfish about it, and mostly kept the map to himself. Then PuLSaR put down the initial set of monsters for hard skill, and RPG modified those for skills 1 and 0. At this point the map was complete except for testing, and everybody contributed to that along with a few others from Hardcheese (see above). * CONSTRUCTION * Game: Quake Game mode: Single player, and coop. Deathmatch is not supported. Difficulty settings: yes -- 132/162/191 for e/m/h skill settings Editor: GTKRadiant 1.5, and WorldCraft Brushes: 4526 Entities: 1387 * TRIVIA * The number of this speed chainmap (82) is backwards of the very first speed chainmap (28). This map also contains a reference to e1m2. * HOW TO PLAY * This is a big map, so you'll probably need to allocate more RAM to Quake when you play it. You can do this by adding -heapsize 32768 to the GLQuake or WinQuake command line, or -winmen 32 to the DOSQuake command line. After you load Quake, bring down the console and type this: skill x map sm82 Note: x = 0, 1, 2, or 3. 0 is easy, 1 is normal, 2 is hard, and 3 is nightmare skill setting. * COPYRIGHT NOTICES and PERMISSIONS * Copyright (C) 2005 Robert P. Gove Jr, Raymond O'Niell, Paul Brosche, Shane Newton, and Andrew Sayenko. Textures copyright (C) their respective owners This level may be distributed freely, but it may not be distributed for profit or commercial gain without the written consent of all the authors.