----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title : (Dont Bite) The Hand That Feeds You Release Date : This version released 16-12-2007 PLEASE NOTE: - Uses coloured lighting, use a coloured lighting engine - I recommend FitzQuake - Joequake users type 'loadsky tramonto' on the console to view the Skybox!! Filename : thehand.zip Author : RickyT23 Misc. Author Info : 23, office orchin (ex factory urchin), hard rocker! Really hard, come n ave a go! Email Address : trowbridge.richard@googlemail.com Description : I made this map in the wake of "The Sickbase", the idea was to make a map which was A - Not too hard 2 - Properly playtested D - Fun! Well, I have tried folks - This map took about seven times as long to finish than The Sickbase (excluding compile times). Here we have a fairly large primarily idbase map, with some twists on the theme, the token 'Fury' area (deep underground - uses Kell's fantastic texture set), an area with Ogres (! - W0W, my first Ogre - !), a spot of 'arena' style 'lets pit big scary monsters against eachother and watch them kill one-another' action, and a hopefully climatic end sequence! The map has got some more advanced entity work, for which I used a lot of tutorials, and read some of the threads from Func_MsgBoard! Plot : Youre mission (should you choose to accept it): You have been briefed that humans have been fucking around with their slipgate in a base up in some hills somewhere, and bringing lots of horrible demons across from other dimensions! This being an obvious matter of national security, you are to be deployed to investigate and eradicate any threat... Additional Credits to : Kell and Necros for Quoth ID Software for quake Kell for Fury.wad (and quoth textures)(and skyboxes, thankyou!) Worldcraft 3.3 (like it) Bengt "AguirRe" Yardrup - Technincal assistance, help, advice playtesting, bug fixing, thanks man! Really dont think I could have done it without you! Daniel "Sielwolf" Wegert - Playtesting, belidgering me to think about 'aesthetics', gameplay and stuff! Trinca - Playtesting, encouragement Spirit - Playtesting, tips Madfox - Playtesting, opinions Also Metlslime for Fitzquake and www.celephais.net/board Thankyou all! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : Easy, Normal, Ard and Nightmare selectable by typing skill (0 ,1 , 2 or 3) on console New Sounds : No New Graphics : Base.wad, original quake tex, fury.wad, one from xatrix.wad and also some that came with Quadapter for worldcraft 3.3 Skybox from Kell Demos Replaced : No Recommended Port : This level has COLOURED LIGHTING !!!!!! Please use FitzQuake, JoeQuake or Darkplaces, or some other engine that supports litfiles! * Construction * Base : From scratch Editor used : Worldcraft 3.3 Known Bugs/Problems : Apparently players using external textures may experience some missaligned textures - however they are fine when used normally Too many edicts on skills 1, 2 and 3 for original Quake engine! Construction Time : Roughly 8 weeks Compile Times : TxQbsp (AguirRe's) - about 3 minutes Vis (AguirRe's)- 'bout 4 hours and 10 minutes Tyrlite - 10 mins 20 seconds How to Install : Unzip to your Quoth directory run selected engine (pref FitzQuake) with: -heapsize 48000 -hipnotic -game quoth +map thehand Note: uses 'tramonto' (thankyou Kell) skybox - included! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------