----------------------- Rocket Arena Map ----------------------- ================================================================ Title : Doom2 Map01 - Entryway - for Rocket Arena Filename : dom2_1ra.bsp Release Date : December 1st 1997 Author : Peter Lomax aka PCL aka Hawkmoon Email Address : pcl@provider.co.uk (You can email me y`know) Web Address : http://www.provider.co.uk/users/pcl/hawkmoon.html (the place for my map news) Description : This map is for Rocket Arena Doom 2 Map01 - Entryway Full Doom2 textures converted to the Quake pallette Added some steps and a wall to make arena more interesting (Not as interesting as the waiting room tho` :-) - NB This map has been vis`d for glquake - Credits : id software for the "Neverending Game" Yahn Bernier for "Best Map Making Tool" The Rocket Arena team - http://www.planetquake.com/servers/arena ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes - Using Rocket Arena patch Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : Original Doom2 Map01 My Quake conversion of it (doom2_01.zip) Editor(s) used : BSP v0.82b (the best of the best) - http://bsphq.telefragged.com/ Textures converted with Doomtex by Michael Stokes mike@stokfam.psinet.net.au Map converted with the aid of QuakeDM by Michael Stokes Known Bugs : In DosQuake and WinQuake outside walls lose texture slightly at extreme distance Build Time : about 7 hours Texture Wad used : Doomtex.wad (see above) sparkle texture from liquids.wad By Tom Cleghorn aka Murgatroyd (and the clip and sky textures from quake.wad) Compile machine : Pentium 200MMX/48MB QBSP Time : 33.0 seconds (used QBSP Version 1.65 by Ken Alverson (KenA@TSO.Cin.IX.Net) Light (-extra) Time : 155.0 seconds VIS (-level 4) Time : 58.0 seconds ================================================================ * Where to get this level * If you can read this you have already found a place or http://www.provider.co.uk/users/pcl/hawkmoon.html following the Quake link or E-Mail me at pcl@provider.co.uk and ask for it * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright (c) 1997 Peter Lomax. All rights reserved. This level may be distributed freely on any electronic format provided that it is not modified in any way and this text file is included. **The Rocket Arena team may use this map as they see fit** Otherwise: If you wish to use this map in a level pak, you must first obtain my permission. If you wish to distribute this level commercially (including, but not limited to, magazine cover CD`s) you must first obtain my permission. Also bear in mind that the textures used belong to id Special thanks to: David `crt` Wright (THE Rocket Arena main man) for feedback Angie,Michael,Mat and Brod for the LAN testing ACME UK clan for letting me play CTF sometimes ==================================================================