HELLO RIPPER !! IF YOU WANT TO GET IN TOUCH WITH ME (AXIS), SEND YOUR LETTERS TO : JACQUES WISSON, 11A RUE DES VIGNES, 68230 WIHR-AU-VAL, FRANCE. ANALOG is back again to reach the sky with the MELTING POT <26>... CREDITS......................... all CODING and GFXS done by ......... < A X I S > Great Synth TUNE composed by ........ < Z O R G L U B > Packing by ........ < M O N T Y > and < S P O K Y > Best GREETS to all our friends...... AnAlOg is still looking for some talented members, so if U are interested, contact us !!!! That's all... See ya in the next MP... < 2 6 > BEYOND..........................Column MAJIC 12...................TS 12 Intro NOVA...........................Fucktro HEMOROIDS......................Jointro HEMOROIDS......................Myoptro SHINING 8...........Ultimate Seduction Packed by Spoky and Monty df0: df0: df0: df0: df0: df0:Column.exe df0:M12.exe df0:fucktro df0:HMD.exe df0:myoptro.exe df0:S8_ulse.exe df0: df0: df0: df0: df0: df0: