> WHAT < > WHERE AND WHEN < > FEATURES < > COMPETITION RULES < > CHANGES FROM SPREADSHEETS < > HOW TO REACH < > PERSONAL GREETINGS < > PENCL`S TEXT < > ADDRESSES < > THE CREDITS < > EXIT 2 DOS < What? $ Sun `N` Fun Cßnference II $ After the Sun `N` Fun Conference `92 has been so successful we decided to organize another party again in 1993! So here we present you the invitation for it... Where and when? Where: Germany, 5374 (from 1/7 on 53940) Hellenthal (near the Belgian frontier). The hall is called "Grenzlandhalle Hellenthal". When: Saturday, the 10th July from 09:00 until Sunday, 11th about 17:00. Fee: The entrance fee is 15 DM (no other currencies, please). The party hall itself will be open all the time. There`s room for about 250 people, so be quick or be dead!! If the hall is full - bad luck for you! Call the organizers for further information (phone numbers to follow). Features - Competitions (Demo, Music, Graphics and Fun compos...) - Technical Equipment: Big-enuff video screen, nearly the same powerful equipment as last year, except that it will be more loud and effectful (for the disco!). TAKE YOUR TV-SET WITH YOU TO BE ABLE TO RECEIVE OUR TWO TV-CHANNELS!!! - Special security people around day & night!! - Saturday night there`ll be a disco. We`ll play the music you voted for on a special music votesheet!! - Things to buy: softdrinks & 3 sorts of beer, something to eat, like chips and hot sausages. All prices will be really low and are compareable to/lower than normal pub prizes! - Enough WCs for all (not like Aars...)! - Please don`t forget to bring your own multiple sockets (Mehrfachstecker) with you, so that we can guarantee enough electricity for all (worked really fine last year). - Enough parking places near the hall! - Many other crap like graffiti wall, exclusive party diskmag, which will be spread right at the end, own TV-shows, live concerts, swimmin` in the rivulet outside or just meeting your friends and copying (ONLY LEGAL) new stuff. Competition rules Graphics in normal IFF-format, music must be executable, demos should run on a simple A500 with Kickstart 1.3 and 1/2 MB of chip and 1/2 MB of fast mem. Deadline will be saturdays at 21:00. The prizes depend on YOU!! We don`t want to make any profit out of this party, so the prizes depend on the amount of visitors and what they buy! The more visitors, the more money... The information about the fun compos will be spread at the party... Changes from the spreadsheets - T-shirt selling (HIGH QUALITY colored shirts for 30 DM!!!!) - Own made TV-shows like "Unplugged", "News", ... DON`T FORGET TO BRING YOUR TV-SET WITH YOU!!! - Live concert with Taron of ARISE! Of course, it will also be transmitted on ATV. How to reach... Own car rulez, so take it and drive... From Germany: Leave the A1 at "Euskirchen- Wisskirchen". Drive to Gemuend and then simply stay on the road to Hellenthal. From Belgium: Best point to pass the border is "Losheimergraben". From there simply stay on the B 265 to reach Hellenthal. Oh, you prefer travelling by train or can`t afford a car?? Then ride to the train station "5370 Kall/Eifel". Once there, take one of the busses (line 808) and leave it at "Hellenthal Kirche" or "Hellen- thal Bahnhof". You`ve to walk three or seven minutes then. Or hitchike or take a taxi with 5 other freax or fly or stay in Kall, or... The party place will be signed out WELL in a 10 km radius!! If there are questions, call the main-organizers: Skyline: 02482/7163 (ask for Alex) Vision: 02482/571 (ask for Rene) Or contact one of our swappers... Personal Greetings Greetings from Kyle rush to: Poison/Nova, Virus/Zenith, Wotw/Essence, Axel/HMD, Bundy/Sonic, Castor/Vanish, Damion/ Platin, Colorbird/Scoopex, Damien/TWW, Destroyer/TDD, Do-X/U.D.O., Fake/Equinox, Hawkeye/Kefrens, Highblitter, Equi, Mental/Absolute!, Mr.Keel/Nova, SMC/Abyss Noname/Angelica, Posdnuos/Ram Jam, Red Knight/TEK, Skindiver/Abyss,Shadow/Stellar Skiller/Skenge, Skybird/Backlash, Premium/PRD, Style/Alcatraz, Ultimax/Desire, Vortex/Bronx, Zappo/Animax. Pencl greetz the following people: Kristina (Hallo Knussel, Du bist im Fernsehen!) Highblitter (Jausa!), Parsec/Alcatraz (hey, didn`t get my letter or wot??), Soulitude (von selber meldest Du Dich auch nie, was!), Irmelin (lets keep it up!), Foxx/Silents (Vielen Dank fuer alles!), Moses, Jump Subroutine (so, jetzt biste gegreeted!), Gary Turner (Zaskar rulez!) Facet/Lemon. (Lemon. suxx!) & Nobody. SPECIAL GREETINX GO TO: Radek "Hamster" - the best LEADer ever & Jo Dosenberg for excellent gameplaying! Pencl`s Text Hi Sun `N` Fun Visitors! I want to say some words to some people and tell you some things that should be said, I think. Many thanx to Arise, especially Kyle, Skyline, Vision, Pink, Falcon and o` course DragonFly! You made Arise what a group should be, you really defined the word "friendship"! Thanx! Thanx to all the people who make my life worth living. Kristina (ß), it`s THREE years on 5. 8. `93! Let`s party! Hi, Highblitter, special thanx for your incessant support! The Bands: Metallica (until the stunning and unbeatable "...and justice for all"!) BACK TO THE ROOTS! Sepultura (Under a pale grey SKY we shall...) Obituary (Cause Of Death - in the darkness we arise......) Death (Chuck Heulsuse rules!) SPIRITUAL........ HEALING! Gorefest (you`re truly FALSE!) Blind Guardian (nice, guys, nice!) Kreator (Inferior to life, renewal has begun!) ...and all the others I forgot. Hi, Mr. Sun `N` Fun ConVerence, Du weisst ja, dass Du alles Schuld bist... Hey, modem-freaks: Call NOSTALGIC BBS Only legal stuff at 49-(0)241-86985! Your friendly System Operator is Highblitter, CoSysOp Pencl/Arise (ß it`s me! ß)... Call also for hardware questions or hard- ware buying (for HDs ask me, for the rest ask Highblitter!) See ya, guys! [] Contact us at: 4 questions concerning the party and swapping: Skyline Vision (no swapping) Alex Kuffner Rene Kiunka Kirschseiffen 41 Koelner Str. 94 W-5374 Hellenthal W-5374 Hellenthal Germany Germany Call: 02482/7163 Call: 02482/1571 Coders should contact: Kyle DragonFly P.O.Box 1 Drosselpfad 9 7535 Koenigsbach 5100 Aachen Germany Germany phone:07232/4227 phone:0241/520508 fax: 07232/2856 This Party Invitation is NOT ç by Arise in 1993! (So copy it like hell!)