yo there d HERE IT IS, the first intro from axxis ! what must i hear in the backround: who is axxis ? oh, sorry i forgot to tell you that axxis is a new german/swiss group, formed by skytors, hac and tmc ! now the credits: coded by abigail (yeeaah, that's me) logo by abigail (again me) font by metaldriver (some months ago, as he was a member of vision one) muzak by rogue male of freestyle uk (don't mind, please) ! arrrgggh, hey metaldriver, stop don't kill me, here is the keyboard, you can write something ! yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, here i am ! i'm here to nerve you with the g r e e t s ! we send our drunken aXXISians to ... accession ... alpha flight ... amiga industries and freedom force ... amigavision ... antiriads ... arcane ... atomic ... avalanche ... axenon ... black monks ... brainstorm ... byterapers ... cbc ... complex ... cosmos ... crionics ... critters ... crusaders ... crush ... deathstar ... digitech ... double density crew ... d-tect ... dual crew and x-men ... electronic artists ... epsilon designs ... erazor ... escape ... exceptions ... imp 666 ... insiders ... ivory and finnish bit wizards ... level four and shadow light ... mirage int. ... nemesis ... new order ... phalanx ... piranhas ... poison ... powerslaves ... public enemies ... rebels ... scoopex ... setrox ... silents and north star ... spreadpoint and ccs and defjam ... sunriders ... tacs norway ... team-x ... tetragon ... threat ... triangle ... trilogy ... u 238 ... unicorn ... vision factory and bencor brothers ... warfalcons ... zenith ... zss ... zone 3 ... and all our other friends around the globe ! puuh, i hate typing greets, i hate it, but ever and ever i must type it ! our actual and only members (this time) are: abigail black tiger cobold iron spider lee copper luke metaldriver mike mr.p obliterator phil protheus and scattergold ! one week ago we spreaded a preview version of this intro, in this the memberlist shows some other names like in this final-version, the reason is that some left or were kicked out, this is the right list, but we looking always for new members ! we need soon own muzakers ! hey german muzakers, if you think that your works are good than send your best works to the german headquater ! that's enough from me, i need soon a girl ! back from me to abigail ! hey abigail, where are you ? oh god, why, why did you gave me this brother ? WITH THIS TRUE WORDS (i mean what i say) i'm back to rule ! rule ? what should i rule ? eh ? fuck off, i'm back to type our contact addresses (that's bether) ! if you are interested to get in touch with your new idols (idols ?) than send a copple of disks or a nice letter with a photo from a nacked girl to: plk.057296 d 5010 bergheim west germany or to: po.box 6 3032 hinterkappelen switzerland or to: po.box 71 1162 st-prex switzerland ! note: if we found on the envelope our name, than you get no answer ! we don't need problems with the post ! that's a fuck, metaldriver plays with his big balls (eggs), protheus (what's a name) is riding his girlfriend, and that's all behind me, this is not my day ! ok, before i go riding (fucking) my girlfriend too, i send some messages to my best friends (i hope): hi marc/new order, your second intro/demo is cool, what do you think about my first intro for axxis ? hi hihat/digitech, your first trainer was good, but the game you trained was nearly 3 weeks old ! hi maexchen/brainstorm, i wait for your next visit, if you don't bring any own works with you i kill you ! hi poldi/ex-wanderers, i hope you join us soon ! hi cobold/axxis switzerland, we here in germany hope that you (i mean your coders) finish soon the cool vektor demo ! hi teeze/public enemies, at the moment we are not sure if we want a cooperation your group, i must first speak with all our members, than i can give an answer ! ... thats enough messages, my girlfriend needs me ! see you abigail d