D vixen H and beat.boy H of bytestar H B is back with another piece of masterwork half of this screen were coded at the D bytestar H C members meeting on als the 17.3.89 B we will tell yo about it later in this scroll DC importent message to gonzo and freagle dont forget the mega migty party at the shark muzaks- i hope there will be room enough for evrybody D hi ha gurgle D partytalk H C first the credits D marcs mum H for the marveles food big fucking to the baker H for the bad suply of food C now serius talk AtalkC at the members meeting all the danish members was collected and a couple of german fellows this were our first meeting because we have just joint D bytestar H B we have to go now because we got to smoke a pipe of tjald see you in the next eldorado gays sorry i mean guys the credits goes to link for the muzak Dwhat have you been waiting for bytestar H greetings H C be proud and look for your name Dflash HD Bthe blittercopperration Dzeroboys HD 256 crew HD red sectorHD the silentsHD sunriders HD mechanix HD exact HD abyss HD trilogy HD Binvisible crime DdominatorsHD Bvision factory and beyonders D sunshine HD crypt HD argus HD alabama HD Bfinnish bit wizards D paramount HD pulsar HD frontline HD delight HD blaster incHD gator HD static HD acid HD browbeat HD Brolling company Batomic inteligence Bfreedom force D Cif you didnt find yo name then contact us immediately F contact us beat boy bjarne bach jensen grundtvigsvej 24 7500 holstebro tlf. 07 429610 denmark vixen dennis mortensen grundtvigsvej 35 7500 holstebro tlf 07 424615 denmark F