.ON OFF -*- C R E S T -*- ----------------- - XP 8 -OCS/ECS/LAMESHIT FROM WEATHERMINE - Make everybody laugh as always by HELLFIRE :) * Another Legendary Trainer by The Fucking Best: * SIRIaX! - cOCAINe! Please Make Your Selection ----------------------------------------------- F1 - UNLIMITED SHIELD PLAYER ONE............OFF F2 - UNLIMITED SHIELD PLAYER TWO............OFF ----------------------------------------------- CREST - FEEL THE FLOWER / EXPERIENCE THE MAGIC! A Trainer Production By The Dynamic Duo: ! SIRIaX - cOCAINe! Okay following people can feel themself fucked because they suck! GOLDMAN - You are simply a lame pisshead trying to get GFX out of us! Hope your fool gang will die asap! Icarus / Lameforce - Your group is twice as lame as your mother is ugly and stinks! from the first day I saw you silly idiot in the scene you tried to claim to be the best - you suck and your glory is below sero and this level will never increase... Saxon - I saw a text from you concerning your bust... I just ask myself why you wrote this shit - you could have also stammered into an empty cupboard! Assbeard! Crest is... cOCAINe! - SIRIaX! - DIGIMAN! - INFINITY! - ALPHA ONE! Thanks to HELLFIRE for still investing their money to buy originals! If you feel bored you could also start CRACKING THEM!!!!!