doctor claw presents another cool demo. this demo was released at the digitech and amigalords copyparty in gothenburg in july 1989. hope you enjoy it. now some helpful hints : press left and right arrowkeys to look at a member and to read what he is doing. ............................................................................................................................ what the hell are you waiting for ........................... \\\\\\ bravestarr main swapper copper coder and swapper dr. awesome music wizz kid yuk ,,, what a mess... well, anyway i did code this member demo in about 4 days in may. hope you like it...................................................................... dr. outtasight crusaders bbs boss call our bbs norway 6 81 08 81 dr. m.d. cub coder and music wizz kid swapperboy main swapper switchblade coder zeb hardware wizz kid zuggly coder and swapper yster graffix wizz kid