THE CULPRITSThe Culprits present OOZE. Stop reading thiz scroller and kill your rats left bollock......... to all our contax and everyone else who worships us... As you can see, this intro pushes the Amiga to the limits!!! Seriously, Watch out for our MEGA Personal Computer Show demo , Our Megademo and our Xmas demo + a few mini introz and utilitys... If ya wanna join us or just want to tell us something, then write to.... Z I G O R , 6 C A M B O R N E A V E N U E , A Y L E S B U R Y , B U C K S , H P 2 1 7 P F , E N G L A N D. Big reward to all guyz who are.. CODERS , MUSICIANS , ARTISTS , HACKERS , Etc (Who join us temporary or permanent.) Anyway, Just SMASH your rodent's left nuts to bits.... THE CULPRITS THE CULPRITS THE CULPRITS THE CULPRITS ..........