you have been watching capricorn one another fine ECS production by cydonia released on the 1st July 1995 Right mouse button pauses this scroller. Here are the full credits for this production. Coding: Krion Graphics: Souri Infinity Main Music: Qen / Solitude End Music: Serkul Eminence Cydonia sends greets to these groups... access Anathema blackjack Digital Access flying cows, Inc. freezers Frontier gods imperia kinky logic mellow myth passion Pearl Pygmy Projects scoopex Sect Slam solitude TNC and everyone we forgot :) The offical Cydonia memberlist is as follows: NSW Division Infinity - graphics Krion - code, sysop Prowler - swapping, sysop Souri - graphics Storm - code SA Division Bonza - sysop Cro - code Eminence - music Serkul - music Why not call our boards... Twisted Dreams BBS: +61 2 636-4990 (WHQ) SysOp: Prowler Lucid Dreams BBS: +61 2 888-9917 SysOp: Krion Syndicate BBS: +61 8 371-3553 SysOp: Bonza you can also contact us by writing to: Sydney (NSW): po box 16 pendle hill nsw 2145 australia Adelaide (SA): po box 555 brighton sa 5148 australia Send your contributions to our diskmag, Defy, to the Adelaide address, and mark it "Defy". You can also send your contributions to any Cydonia board. Now it's time for the individual messages and greets. ---------------[ Krion ]---------------- Yo there. before I start on the greets I'd just like to appologise to everyone who's sent me letters / disks and recieved no reply. I neither have the time nor the inclination for swapping these days, so please don't write to me for that... this demo has been on ice for quite a while because I wanted to release it at the devious party. The lateness of their diskmag should've been a clue... In any case, even if it does happen it doesn't exactly look promising, so there was no point waiting any longer. ok, this seems like a good time for my personal greets, which go to the following people: Netrunner / Pearl Tachyon / Pearl johnny turbo / digital access drizzt / digital access budds'n'stoo / digital access Carcass / Logic Equinoxe / Logic Conner / Sect snykers / indep. friar tuck / indep. turrican / indep. accolyte / indep. everyone in cydonia and the two ex-cydonians - Drift and Extremist. also a message to Felon / DVS... maybe you should listen to more then the first 5 seconds of a mod before you accuse someone of ripping. I was right there when it happened, and it didn't happen quite like you said it did in your article. 'caught out' my arse... To get in touch with me for code talking or whatever, leave email to or leave mail to "krion" on any cydonia board. ---------------[ Souri ]---------------- SOURI HERE... WELL , I HOPE YOU DIG -CAPRICORN ONE- IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME IN THE MAKING, ALTHOUGH KRION HAS HAD THESE ROUTINES FOR , IT SEEMS , OVER 5 MONTHS... IT COULD HAVE BEEN RELEASED MUCH EARLIER AS WE POSTPONED IT FOR THE DEVIOUS DESIGNS PARTY WHICH THE GROUP CLAIMED IN THEIR DISKMAG WOULD BE ON AROUND NOW , BUT THERE HAS BEEN NO INVITRO , NO NEWS , -NOTHING- WHATSOEVER ABOUT IT... SHAME REALLY , I WAS REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO RECEIVING FELON'S SISTER IF WE HAD WON THE TRACKMO COMP. :) (READ FELON'S PEARL PARTY REPORT IN VISION 1) EVERYONE HERE IN SYDNEY WAS LOOKING FORWARD AND MORE THAN WILLING TO TRAVEL DOWN TO MELBOURNE FOR THIS EVENT..(SIGH) OH YEH.. SUPPORT DEFY.. SEND IN YOUR ARTICLES,CLIP ART,AND VOTE SHEETS TO EITHER CRO OR ANY OF OUR BOARDS AND ADDRESSES. IT'S -YOUR- SCENE.. GET OFF YOUR ARSE AND CONTRIBUTE ! LOOK OUT FOR -PYJAMA INC- A SLIDESHOW BY ME DUE FOR RELEASE IN A FEW MONTHS...ECS ART THOUGH.. I CAN'T AFFORD AN AGA MACHINE :( ONE FINAL THING... LOOK CLOSELY AT THE CDN PRESENTS TITLE PAGE.. (THE ONE WITH THE MOON,CLOUDS ETC) PERSONAL GREETINGS FROM ME GO TO : EQUINOXE - INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT BBS CARCASS - INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT BBS ACCOLYTE - INDEPENDANT KIMBA - SECT CONNER - SECT JOHNNY TURBO - DIGITAL ACCESS TURRICAN - INDEPENDANT THE EXECUTIONER- INDEPENDANT COOLCAT - INDEPENDANT LORD SLAYER - PHOBIA BBS SUMALETH - PEARL ERIC - CHEESE SHOP BBS JAGUAR SPEED - INDEPENDANT BLACK ANGEL - INDEPENDANT BUDDS - DIGITAL ACCESS , MC BBS RAD FX - PLANET X BBS GEM - INDEPENDANT KARLA GILBERT - HUBBA , HUBBA ! WHAT YOU GOT , YOU GOTTA GET IT , PUT IT IN YOU....... ---------------[ Storm ]---------------- Storm here! Just a quick word from me here. Big "hello!" to everyone.. no list of greetings here, you know who you are! Big apologies for not having coded anything for a long long time, but I've been working full time programming VAX mainframes and haven't had much time for the scene! :-( Watch out for a little something from me in the form of the intro to issue 3 of our diskmag Defy, and after that.. who knows!? --------------[ Prowler ]--------------- Prowler stumbles and drops some greets on the following people; - Accolyte - Chris/GODS - Immortal/Technology - Raider - Reload/Myth - Stan/Illusion ;And apologises for being so clumsy. [If I missed you, I am sorry!!!] Write to me; Prowler PO Box 16 Pendle Hill NSW 2145 AUSTRALIA. Fragmented memories and twisted Dreams; +61-2-6364990 - 36.6k [Almost!] --------------[ Turrican ]-------------- Turrican here! i'm not even in cydonia, but what the heck.... k-rad lowered toranas go out to (in no particular order) krion, conner/sect, budds/da, carcass and equinoxe/logic, the heavyweight/dvs, kimba/sect, and everyone else.. what the hell do i do? well, i leech a fair bit and not much else... productive life, eh? i'd like to say with no coercion that is one of the best demos from the oz scene that i've had the pleasure of checking out, even though it isn't in one piece yet! but i digress... mail me on midnight caller, lucid dreams, twisted dreams or industrial accident for chatting about bmx, music or life in general. later! ---------------------------------------- Cydonia - Packing class and kicking arse! ---( TEXT REPEATS )--- ð