S3B2X1hi there freaks d-tect presents another cool bbs intro ....... this intro is coded to give you the number from our board in the north of germany S4B1 traders heaven W4 S2B2 call traders heaven under : S4B1 ++49 (0)431 525345 W4 S3B3 now you can read some nice pixelgewichsel and hear this nice sounddreck......... S4B2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S2 important message the release date of hack-mag issue4 is 10.04.91 (+- 4 days).. and also released very soon the first d-tect musax disk S4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S2B3 greetings to some cool groups : vertigo image abnormal d-mob fairlight crusaders brainstorm magic 12 dexion prologic sanity untouchables panic quartex anarchy timex tsb disknet addonic supplex coma disaster area vogue devils cytax alpha flight level 4 .............. for elite mail trading contact the mail swapper ferris write to : S2B1 plk.089196 c 2300 kiel 1 west germany S2B3 we enter the end of this little intro and at last we wanna say a big thank you to unknown for conding this peace of shit............ rcf and ferris of d-tect signed off...................