PT1.2A DDCS Mark I Enter password M.K. Software Failure. Protracker VBlank Protracker MusicInt Protracker InputHandler Not implemented DF0: DF1: DH0: DH1: RAM: ST-00: dir aborted ! can't find dir ! MOD mod.f (DIR) select note editskip = 0 save all samples? Back to Protracker OK * help selected * * plst selected * Unable to open helpfile! Swap (1/2/3/4) ? mark block 00-00 no block marked ! buffer is empty ! boost all samples filter all sampls command stored! Verify error! efx restored ! pos restored ! config not found! not a config file can't create file PT.config-00 loading config saving config CON:0/0/640/150/Protracker Output Window Can't open window Set defaults? VBLANK CIA Recover Song? VU-MTRANALYZ add workspace ? PACK M.K. M.K. M.K. Load as 31 instr? track pattern record samples sample editor mix 01+02 to 03 not range 01-1F ! empty samples !!! out of memory !!! mixing samples... filtering boosting PACK Powerpacker mod.! PLST no mem for plst ! plst not found ! ---00000 can't open file ! can't save file ! examine error ! can't find file ! file is empty ! Delete ST-.. ? PT MIDI Out PT MIDI In no range selected set larger range set cursor pos buffer is empty sample is empty Resample? Resampling... All right Plst is full! Are you sure? No disk in df0! Write protected Print aborted! Enter data Adding path... Disk error !! Loading... Loading song Loading module Loading sample Saving... Saving song Saving module Saving sample Loading plst Saving plst Deleting song Deleting module Deleting sample Renaming file Decrunching... Crunching... Select entry Select song Select module Select sample Select file Reading dir... Position set Printing song Printing plst Save song ? Delete song ? Save module ? Delete module ? Save sample ? Delete sample ? Print plst ? Print song ? Really quit ? Upsample ? Downsample ? Please select Clear split ? Reset config ? Delete preset ? Load presetlist? Save presetlist? Kill sample ? Abort loading ? Load config ? Save config ? Disk formatin progressFormatting cyl Verifying cyl Initializing Please enter nameof volume: ST-__ 00 df0: st-01: ST-01: 0 0000 0000 0002 No. Samplename Length Repeat RepLen Protracker Song-Dump -- Made with Protracker V1.2A Songname: Pattern: 00 00 : 0000 0000 0000 00 : DF0:songs DF0:modules ST- :ST- :ST- : !"#$$$$$$$$$$ C-1 C#1 D-1 D#1 E-1 F-1 F#1 G-1 G#1 A-1 A#1 B-1 C-2 C#2 D-2 D#2 E-2 F-2 F#2 G-2 G#2 A-2 A#2 B-2 C-3 C#3 D-3 D#3 E-3 F-3 F#3 G-3 G#3 A-3 A#3 B-3 --- C-1 DĦ1 D-1 EĦ1 E-1 F-1 GĦ1 G-1 AĦ1 A-1 BĦ1 B-1 C-2 DĦ2 D-2 EĦ2 E-2 F-2 GĦ2 G-2 AĦ2 A-2 BĦ2 B-2 C-3 DĦ3 D-3 EĦ3 E-3 F-3 GĦ3 G-3 AĦ3 A-3 BĦ3 B-3 --- PT1.2 Configuration File ST-00:songs ST-00:modules DF0: PRT: newshell add21k info list loadwb -debug diskmaster1.3 run AudioMasterIII ced ST-00: