pic0001 pic0002 pic0003 pic0004 pic0005 pic0006 pic0007 pic0008 pic0009 THE HELP PAGE!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HELP - THIS PAGE ON/OFF ESC - ASCII/IFF ADVERTS MENU FONT CONTROLS -=-=-=-=-=-=- F1 - A HARD TO READ FONT F2 - COMPUTER STYLE FONT F3 - TOPAZ 8 FONT F4 - O.S. V2.0 TOPAZ FONT (DEFAULT) PAGE CONTROLS -=-=-=-=-=-=- LEFT CURSOR/MOUSEBUTTON - PREVIOUS PAGE/PICTURE RIGHT CURSOR/MOUSEBUTTON - NEXT PAGE/PICTURE KEYPAD - TO CHOOSE PAGE TO GO TO. MUST BE 3 DIGITS. EXAMPLE: TO GO TO PAGE 13 YOU WOULD TYPE 013 ON THE KEYPAD AND HIT ENTER ON THE KEYPAD. TO EXIT INTO THE REAL LIFE HIT YA JOYSTICK BUTTON FROM EITHER SECTION! BLIP-VERTS ISSUE #3 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER ------------------- OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 1991 A DECAY PRODUCTION 1991 1991 -=>SORRY FOR THE LATENESS OF THIS ISSUE!<=- Well here we are once again. We would personally like to thank all the cool people who had nice words on our last issue, we considered it a great success thanks to you!!. This bi-month there's not so many changes, as we will try to stick to the same routine but improve it each issue as we think it needs it!. This months improvements are the fixing of a few minor bugs and a few little things you might notice. This issue sees the introduction of one of our CADS. BVerts CADS are explained in here later on. One thing though, they'll make postage cheaper for you all in the long run (legally!). And remember we're TOTALLY FREEEEE!! BLIP-VERTS - Swappers, you're in HEAVEN! Hit the arrow keys or mouse buttons to flip pages or HELP for the full instructions! ***** Here are the addresses if you plan to send us an advert. ***** If you are in NEW ZEALAND, send 'em to our new NZCAD (Country Ad Depot): BAD GRAFIX / REALITY P.O.Box 5627 Hamilton, NEW ZEALAND! Oz dudes and dudes from the rest of the world send adverts to: BLIP-VERTS BLIP-VERTS PO Box 236 OR PO Box 544 Orange NSW Shepparton VIC 2800 Australia 3630 Australia Advert limits are on the next couple pages. Don't worry if there isn't a CAD (Country Advert Depot) in your country we will attempt to get one in each country as soon as possible! I F F A D V E R T S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Yep, come on, full colour ads are the best way to make an impression on someone, so send them to us!.... They don't have to be masterpieces!!, just as long as they fit in our limits!!!... Limits you say!, "YEURKK" well, sorry but we have to have them, so here they are: Two resolutions are available: Lo-Res ====== 320 WIDE x 160 HIGH. You can use all 32 colours. Med-Res ======= 640 WIDE x 160 HIGH. You can use all 16 colours. WITH THESE LIMITS YOU MUST ALSO MAKE COLOUR '1' (not colour '0') WHITE..(There will be an ADVERT template on this disk). If you stick to these limits, your IFF ADVERT is destined to get published! SEND AS MANY AS YOU LIKE! A S C I I A D V E R T S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There is virtually no limits for Ascii adverts. The only main one being that there is only 22 lines to a screen. So if you keep it under 22 lines that's great. Width is dependant on the screen too! Try to keep below 79 chars.... This would of course make a full screen ad, but you can have them as skinny as you like too. But we prefer you to do ones that are about 36 chars wide so we can do two columns to a page.. SEND AS MANY AS YOU LIKE! T H E Y ' R E A L L T O T A L L Y A N D U T T E R L Y F R E E BLIP-VERTS - SWAPPERS, YOU'RE IN HEAVEN! B L I P - V E R T S *OCTOBER/NOVEMBER ISSUE* CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ----- ---- EDITORIAL ............................. 000 ADDRESSES ............................. 001 AD LIMITS ............................. 002 CONTENTS ............................. 004 BLIP-VERT ADS ............................. 005 BLIP CADS? ............................. 026 MESSAGES ............................. 027 BLIPPYLOGUE ............................. 029 CREDITS ............................. 031 Plus: More ADS in the IFF section! ******************************** FOR THE LATEST SEND TO * FREE FLIGHT * THORAXE (TROY) FREE FLIGHT * -=-=-=-=-=- * P.O.BOX 286 * FOR THE LATEST WARES * LAVINGTON, NSW * OR JOINING WRITE TO: * 2641 * VOLTAGE / 132 EDITH ST * AUSTRALIA * WARATAH, NEWCASTLE * *Greets to all contacts* * N.S.W 2298 * ------ * AUSTRALIA * DECAY are searching for a fast * * and good musicman!!. Person * OR CALL MY VMB'S ON * should be expert at both synth * 0014 800 126 206 Box No. 204 * and normal sounds, and able to * 0014 800 127 864 Box No. 237 * handle size limits!! Send your * NO DISK NO ANSWER * examples to: Wiz of Oz/DECAY.. ******************************** Address is elsewhere in mag. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Assembler Source Codes for Sale !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Simpsons Demo $60 - Fully Commented and Runable with all Include and Incbin Files Needs 1 MegaByte to Assemble and Run All Other Source Codes are $30 Each Choices Are: - Hinch Demo - Vizard Demo - Decalogy Intro - Or Any Other Intro/Demo I have Coded Send Money Orders To (From the Post Office) Greg MacDonald P.O Box 234 Sutherland NSW 2232 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- ************************************ - MODEMS IN PARADISE - * * -------------------------------- * FOR TRADING OF MOST THINGS * * LIKE GAMES, DEMOS AND UTILITIES * I N S A N I T Y * ------------------- * * - D E C A Y - * * ------------------- * * CONTACT: * CALL OUR BOARDS * WIZ OF OZ * * PO.BOX 236 * NODE1 + 61 3 5792 853 9600 DS * ORANGE N.S.W. * NODE2 + 61 3 5637 459 2400 * * ************************************ SYSOP: GINNIE Insanity Insanity Wanted - Fast, Reliable CALLING ALL MUSICHEADS Contact from all over the world. Write to Teknix for the absolute fuck of it Contact: Jinxter/Insanity P.O.BOX 189 31 Maxwell St LAVINGTON Kalgoorlie 6430 N.S.W. 2641 Western Australia AUSTRALIA Disk = 100% Reply 100% reply Insanity Insanity -+*+-+*+-+*+- D E C A Y -+*+-+*+-+*+- ***************************** TO CONTACT DECAY WRITE TO THESE * -+* SORCERESS *+- * ADDRESSES: * ----------------- * * Is looking for a FEW more * JUDAS - POBOX 544-SHEPPARTON-3630 VIC * contacts. Only write if * TSAR - POBOX 739 - LAVINGTON-2641 NSW * you are in an Elite group * WIZ OF OZ - POBOX 236-ORANGE-2800 NSW * or you are a real cool * * person as I can't afford * ALL IN AUSTRALIA OF COURSE!!! * the postage for many more * * people. If you're lame * OR CALL OUR BOARDS!: * I can't guarantee that * ZER0 CITY (WHQ) * I can return your disks. * +612 361 4750 (vHST) * -Sorry- * +612 361 4748 (2400) * Write to: * DEVASTATION PHASE ONE (OZHQ) * Sorceress (Karen) * +612 821 3373 (9600) * 7 Boolaroo Pl * AMIGA CONNECTION (USAHQ) * Orange NSW * 704 399 7153 * 2800 Australia * LATERNESS DOODOIDS! ***************************** -+*+-+*+-+*+-+*+-+*+-+*+-+*+-+*+-+*+- ************************************************* * * * CALL THESE PUNISHERS BOARDS TODAY * * * * FAST TRAX -WORLD HQ- * * 201 939 4543 * * * * ULTIMATE DREAMS -EUROHQ- * * +44 915 19 1803 * * * * CHERNOBYL * * HST LINE - +61 3 428 6366 * * 2400 LINE - +61 3 429 1451 * * * * ENTERPRISE * * +61 3 312 6667 * * * ************************************************* ****************************************************************************** * * * THE ###### ###### ######## ### ### ######## * * ### ### ### ### ### ### #### ### ### ### * * ### ### ### ##### ### ### * * ###### ### ###### ######### ###### * * ### ### ### ### ##### ### * * ### ### ### ### ### ### ### #### ### ### * * ###### ###### ######## ### ### ######## * * I S S T I L L A L I V E ! * * * * 'The Scene' has been revised and is better than it ever was! * * If you have an interesting article on anything (doesn't have * * to be Amiga related) send them to: * * * * The Scene The Scene * * 23 Fitzpatrick Ave or P.O.Box 330 * * Frenchs Forest 2086 Bentley 6102 * * NSW Australia WA Australia * * * ****************************************************************************** +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ * D E C A Y ! ! * +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ SHOWBIZ/DECAY * * * If ya wanna swap with the newest* Graffiti Freaks or VHS Traders * member of Decay, * Contact me at: * Write to TSAR (said TEASER) at * PO BOX 330 * this address: * BENTLEY 6102 * * WESTERN AUSTRALIA * TSAR/DECAY * * PO Box 739 * Also send any articles for the * Lavington NSW * Diskmag 'THE SCENE!' * 2641 AUSTRALIA * * * * * +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ WANTED * WANTED * WANTED * WANTED --------------------------------- --------------------------- 'BLIP-VERTS' is searching for FOR VERY ELITE TRADING people in any country who would be CONTACT: willing to become a 'CAD'(Country X-OCET/THE FLASHING BYTES Advert Depot). This person will 3, ABBOTS WALK be responsible for collecting MERSTOW GREEN ads for Blip-Verts and EVESHAM then, when required, sending them WORCS to Blip-Verts in Australia ready WR11 4BW for the next issue. Person must be VERY trustworthy REMEMBER: STAY AFLOAT and able to send all collected ON THE REALITY BOAT ads to us before release!!!!! --------------------------- If you're interested in doing this, write to: BLIP-VERTS P.O.Box 236 Orange NSW 2800 Australia ************************* *************************** * PASRON OF FALCONS * * V A N I S H ! * * IS AREADY SEACHIN * * ------------------- * * 4 A COOL`N`FAST * * To get the latest Demos * *SWAPP-PARTNER WORLDWIDE* * write to: * ************************* * * * COOL DUDEZ CONTACT ME * * A. Ziegler * * | AT: | * * Hardemasch 23 * * -+------------+- * * 4800 Bielefeld 14 * * |PLK 038548 C| * * WILD GERMANY * * |6110 DIEBURG| * * * * |WEST-GERMANY| * * We'll keep our Speed! * * -+------------+- * *************************** * ONLY COOL DUDEZ!! * * LAMERZ CAN B U Y!! * You can send ads in as an ASCII file * LETTER+DISK=100% * or on paper, or as an IFF pic. As * !!NO FAKED STAMPS!! * long as we can read the paper ones ************************* so we can retype them ERROR-FREE.... Write to USPN, BOX 152, N-8901 Br.sund NORWAY!!! and tell me a bit about yourself. You don't have to be rich to be my friend, You don't have to be no. 1 if cool letters you send! All you have to be is 17 or older! (or RAMBO or perhaps somone bolder!!) A cool letter's better than a stupid disk So if you are willing to take the risk: Drop me some words A.S.A.P. And you'll soon get an answer from cool, cool me Now I can't make up another rhyme, The rest can wait to another time. ---------------------- --------------------- *** POISON/REALITY *** DR.COMPAQ ---------------------- --------------------- P.O.BOX 14542 45 MOXHAM AVE KILBIRNIE HATAITAI WELLINGTON WELLINGTON NEW ZEALAND NEW ZEALAND ---------------------- --------------------- >>> ELITE ONLY <<< * 100% REPLY TO ALL * ---------------------- --------------------- ******************************* NEW ZEALAND - COUNTRY ADVERT DEPOT * * ---------------------------------- * yO tHeRe AmiGa FreEx!!! * New Zealand dudes can save money * * from now on. Instead of paying * Do yOu WanNa SwAp wIv a * for the cost of mail to Australia * COOL cReW in NeW zEaLAnd? * (which isn't much!), we have made * * it cheaper. From now on New * YES! tHeRe iS LiFE in NZ! * Zealand dudes can send their ads * * to: * R E A L I T Y * REALITY * R E A L I T Y * PO Box 5627 * R E A L I T Y * Hamilton. New Zealand * * * -Where FRIENDSHIP * and it'll cost you less!!!! * beats BUSINESS!- * * * * !NO! MEGA-LAMERS PLEEZ!! * -ain't dat great??- * * ******************************* Send heaps!!! (you can have more * (See IFF section for addy!) * then only one advert put in!) ******************************* *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* ! ! ! For buying Demos/Intros etc, ! *---------------------------* ! ! ! ! ! Write to: ! ! For SWAPPING and VIDEOS ! ! ! ! ! ! JOHN RICHARDS (Must write this!) ! ! Write to: ! ! P.O.Box 544 ! ! ! ! SHEPPARTON VIC ! ! LEON ! ! 3630 AUSTRALIA ! ! PLK 023033 B ! ! ! ! 4100 DUISBURG 28 ! ! (this is NOT Judas/Decay) ! ! UNITED GERMANY ! ! ! ! ! *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* *---------------------------* ***************************************************************************** * * * * J U D A S - o f - D E C A Y * * * * * Hey people! If you wanna swap just about * * * * anything write to this address! * * * * JUDAS/DECAY * * PO BOX 544 * * SHEPPARTON 3630 * * VICTORIA AUSTRALIA * * * * * * Also write to this address for the BLIP-VERTS Disk Back Service. * * Send two disks and we'll send one back with the latest ish! * * * * NO LAMERS! * * * ***************************************************************************** Hey you, your ads can be this big too! *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* For Swapping Write to For the latest write to: DEEP DEFF WARGASM / PUNISHERS 38 Portland Drive Nuneaton PO BOX 213 Warwichshire SHEPPARTON 3630 CV109HY Vic Australia ENGLAND *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ** VIDEO SWAPPING AS WELL ** Protoplasm is looking for *** The Crew *** new contacts For Swapping write to: * Protoplasm * Kev of The Crew Sasu Sihvonen 12 Hathaway Court Vipusenkatu 5A 11 Cheriton Road 57200 SAVONLINNA Gillingham FINLAND Kent ME8OES DISK+Letter = 100% reply ENGLAND For Cheap Products, Programming Books, Hard Drives, Modems, Disks, Diskboxes (Computer Gear!) E T C ! Write to: John Richards (Must write this) PO Box 544 Shepparton Vic 3630 Australia * Note: This is "NOT" Judas of Decay, but a sharer of his box. NASHUA HD DISKS - $13 a box!! These are usually $49.95 ABAKUS PROGRAMMING BOOKS (Complete range): Ranging from $15-$38.... System Programmers Guide - $38, Amiga Machine Language - $15 Yep, all merchandise is BRAND new and in boxes.. They are even covered by warranty! How??? That's the beauty of running a shop! Note: Hard Drives are for PC's only! Write for more information and other items... Prices are in Australian $Dollars ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR TRADING THE LATEST WARES, WRITE TO: FALCONS (WRITE THIS) POSTE RESTANTE DK-4200 SLAGELSE DENMARK OR REACH THE GERMAN SECTIONS FOR THE LATEST MODEM WARES: (GENTIC) (PASRON) NO NAME NO NAME PO BOX 100822 OR PLK 038548 C 5620 VELBERT 1 6110 DIELBURG GERMANY GERMANY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** DEEP DEFF *** Seeks Friendly Contacts For Swapping !!!Beginners Welcome!!! So What Are You Waiting For?!? Get Writing To Me At: ---=CONTACT US=--- ******************************** *****FOR ELITE MAILTRADING***** * D 38 Portland Drive D * ----NO LAMERS OR BEGINNERS!---- * E Nuneaton E * KARTZA , VILPUNLAAKSO 16 , * E Warwichshire F * 92130 RAAHE , FINLAND. * P CV10 9HY F * --SEARCHING GROUP & SWAPPING--- * ENGLAND * -------OR---------------------- ******************************** MILE OF SSCG , VILPUNLAAKSO 8 , Greetings To: 92130 RAAHE , FINLAND. The Seagull/T.L.L., Welsh Witch, --JOININGS--ELITE MAILTRADING-- Blittzer/Mystix, Grease Monkey, *****DISK(S) = 200% REPLY!***** Death Stalker, The Viper, And Finally The Black Tiger. How Come I Know So Many Damn Animals??? ********************************** ********************************** *Contact Euphoria for mailtrading* * * ********************************** * Call Euphoria's WHQ board * * Barrax of Euphoria * * * * 41940 Vesanka * * - = - IRON GATE - = - * * Finland * * * ********************************** * At: +416 577-0188 (Canada) * * Mr.Ice of Euphoria * * * * 2070 Raholt * * 9600+bps only 120mb online * * Norway * * SysOp is Joshua of Euphoria * ********************************** * * * Only the elite should contact! * * C A L L N O W ! ! ! * ********************************** * * ********************************** ************************************* * * * FOR SWAPPING THE LATEST STUFF!!!! * * * Wanna Swap with * WRITE TO: * * * M A J I C 1 2 * WOZZY-IMPORT * * OEHLENSCHLAGERGADE 6 ST. TH. * Write to * 6400 SONDERBORG * Aabrinken 11 * DENMARK * 6900 Skjern * * Denmark * LETTER + DISK 101% ANSWER!!!! * * * ************************************* -------------------------- WANNA BE A BLIP-VERTS CAD??? For cool & fast swapping write to: YES?? BBC/TSD (very important) Posterestante DK-7200 Grindsted Check The Next Page Out!! Denmark No Lamers Disk + Letter = 199% reply -------------------------- This page is for those people considering becoming a 'CAD' ---------------------------------------------------------- The reason we have decided to try and setup Country Advert Depots is to reduce the cost of postage of adverts. For example: If someone were to send us an advert from England it would cost more than it would for them to send to someone in their own country. So in the long run, if we set up CADS it will reduce the cost of postage for all people. Is this a decent idea?? Would you rather send a letter overseas ($$$) or send within your own country. It'll be cheaper in your own country!!! If you were to become a CAD you would receive ads from people in your country and then you would type the ads up in a file and send a disk with the ad file on it to Blip-Verts Australia (HQ).(or send paper ads!) We are only looking for one person in each country, so if you're interested write today to the address in the ad section, and you'll help to make BV even better! So far we have one CAD setup: NZCAD : REALITY Yo Bad Grafix/Reality, Thanx for taking the job dude! *** BLIP-VERTS MESSAGE PAGES *** This section is for people out there in the world to leave messages to people elsewhere. Please try not to abuse each other TOO MUCH!... Here we go with some messages from the WIZ OF OZ/DECAY: All European swappers: Do you have writing pads in your countries??? Or is there a shortage of paper causing you to write on ripped off half bits of paper?? (he he) -Wiz of Oz/Decay Metalic/Infinity: Hey Metalic, nice code for Fraud, but I have some nigglies... There is no such word as 'LAMMER', the word is LAMER, which is taken from the word LAME. And also LOOSER should be LOSER. LOOSER refers to making something loose, e.g. Shoe Laces.... Don't take offense to this, it's just that if you learn to spell better, Fraud will look much more professional.(Roumer=Rumour, Mayjor=Major) -Wiz of Oz/Decay Here's a message from Sorceress: Greetings to all my contacts!!!! -Sorceress Message to the Dudes in Reality (New Zealand): Thanx for deciding to be a CAD, hope your next demo is as good/better than your last. Kill the unbelievers ay! -Wiz of Oz/Decay Here's a message from Wiz of Oz's girlfriend... (Danielle!) Hello, this computer business is all a bit new to me, I'm only a two finger typist so this message has to be short...... A message to all the crews starting up Advert Mags: Blip-Verts was the first guys, but good luck in the future. Cheers, Wiz of Oz/Decay Metalic/Infinity (again): Congrats on your placing in the Eurochart (Diskmag charts). -Wiz of Oz BLIPPY-LOGUE (or the Blip-Verts Epilogue!) You have finally reached the end of this issue of the mag, we hope you have enjoyed this product, and have found it just a bit helpful. If you have, why not send us in an advert or three???? It'll only cost you the price of postage (which might be even cheaper in the future). Hey people, send your ads now! Also, if you would like an ad to be in more than just the next issue of BV, let us know (this'll save $$$!!!) and your ad will be printed in the next ('however many') issues of Blip-Verts (Still no cost!)!!!!!! Well anyway, this is definitely the end, sorry for the smaller amount of adverts than normal, a certain virus killed my files disk and the adverts you have been reading are the only ones I was able to recover. Have fun :) CYA! (from the producers of this mag) SWAPPERS - You are about to leave heaven.. Credits! -------- ALL CODE ................................. Psykic ALL GRAPHICS ................................. Wiz of Oz ALL MUSIC ................................. Tsar EDITORS ................................. Wiz of Oz ................... Judas AD COLLECTORS ................................. Wiz of Oz ................... Judas ................... Reality (NZ)