File not large enough to pack! RETURN Cruncher terminated... RETURN Cant Open Output File... RETURN __ __ __ __ ____ _______ __ _______ ______ \ \ / // // // __ \\ ____\\ \\ ___ \\ ___\ \ \ /\ / // // // / \ \\ \___ \ \\ \_/ / \ \___ \ \/ \/ // // // / \ \\ __\ \ \\ _ \__\ _/ \ /\ // // //_/___ / / \ \ \ \\ \\___\\ \____ \/ \/ \/ \_______/ /_/ \_\ \/ \/ \_____\ of DECAY Presents MAX_PACKER V1.2, STILL THE NO.1 CODE CRUNCHING UTILITY! Input Filename: Load Location : $ Jump Address : $ Save Filename : All Parameters Are Now Set! Packing: ( 0 / ): Packing: ( 0 / ): Packed: ( 00.0 %) 000000 -> 000000 Now Saving File... Sorry, Skip too large, > 16k, Packing stopped! Pardon me, but further Packing is Impossible! Error, File Not Written RETURN Just thought Id let you know that you have insufficient Memory to load this file... RETURN Multi-Hunk file detected, cannot process! The following types are permitted : Relocatable one-hunk Absolute code Data files RETURN Error Couldnt Lock File RETURN