As you may have discovered you have reached the end of this little Disaster production. We hope you have enjoined the ride and will keep on watching our productions in the future. Now you have to read the boring stuff like credits and greetings so here goes: The Credits Code............................Greyhawk Graphics.........................Deckard Add. Grafix..............Subsonic & Core Music............................Muttley We are in need of Great musiciance so feel free to contact us.....NOW! Well thats it and thats that so why not have the personal greetings and some "sort snak" I, Deckard wants to greet Vorpal/Subacid Why The FUCK didn't u make it to my birthday???. Well 2 bad 4 u becox we had a great time! exept (S/H)exagon and Greyhawk becox they couldn't control their drinking We have a special greet to Toki coz he drove us all the way to AALBORG! Replicant/Backslash/Disaster(ex.Dizcount Keep that man away from harddisk (if you don't want it formated!!!!) And good luck in the future 2 Le Cerveau I also what 2 greet some kewl dudez I meet at the party '93: Skywalker / Modul (and the other dude!) Abyss / Interactive and of course all Disaster members.. good luck 2 them and may the force be with u .Greyhawk will take over the. keyboard: My perz Greetz must go 2: Pet / Dexion 4 (for helping me in the heat of trouble) Tunder (Standby to join Disaster) Tanks for the moral surport I realy feel for you coz u are not here at SUBMANIA - 94 ! Pixie / Polka Brothers (how is it up in ````````````````````````the real ELITE?) like I always say: great gfx!! Ricky / (Starion / Silents?????) Villian / ? (how do you do these dayes?) Those i have forgot ````````````````````````- tough luck !!! And now party time!!!!! Enjoy the text (about 20KB, nooot) Det er lige sagen, but what about the cheese!!?. Want 2 be pals (friendship rulez) then contact people.. right hope u understand becoz I do not understand a shit, well enough of this gylle This is not sort snak or perhaps it is. Disaster will soon release a demo called something like (we hope!) 'Intel Outside', all! code by Hexagon graphics by Deckard and music by muttley So stay tuned all your party people Another soon to be realeased prod. is our scanned slideshow with original drawings from Deckard's sketchbook. After this slideshow we will proberly realease a real computer graphics slideshow (realease date: Party '94). And now back to something not worth reading or maybe it is. Everybody who like Brian Adams/Meatloaf ...go kill yourself, the world will be better of without such personz!!!! We'll back 2 sort snaller and black coffee without any tee in so keep going wrong by the way why not make a party called nothing, with no people and no prizes wouldn't that be cool (kewl)?..!, well thats how my life works, ok I think u have read enough but I am not stopping becoz I can't....(uhh!?)............ Spadede spasser der passer naar de vasker (or not?????), well anyway have u talked 2 your children 2 day did u scream nooooo?????? (Maybe becoz u haven't got any children! am I right ??? or am I right???!). People Disaster wants 2 kill (slowly!): PEARL/PARASITES 4 being: ugly - lame - being alive Brian Adams - and all fans !!!! Meatloaf - and all fans !!!! Hiiiii there it's me on the keybord This demo is called "DESEJN"(if u noticed it already, But it's not DISASTERS' first release !! Who hasn't seen Infotro (Hexagon,Muttley and Deckard )?? or what about The Bjorktro (Greyhawk `` ```` ````` ``` ```````` ` Deckard `` ```` ````` ``` ```````` Muttley)? Well that's all of the puplic releases from DISASTER this year !! And Who is DISASTER???? Well DISASTER memberlist puping up now: Grafixians: Deckard ``````````` Core ``````````` Bandy ``````````` Globe ``````````` Subsonic Musicians: Muttley `````````` Replicant Code: Hexagon ````` Greyhawk All others who claim to be a DISASTER members has Shit for Brains !!!! Ehhh. I'm still here ... Well I want all to know that I'm proud of my little Logo in this Secret Part isn't it cool or what (the best logo I have seen............. FROM A CODER, - Deckard). THE GREETINGS BALANCE DEXION ZODIAX PARASITE (EXP. P0LLE) SUBACID INTERACTIVE MODEL POLKA-BROHTERS STARION KEFRENS SILENTS MAGIC 12 Now for something completly different: 8. FISTFUL OF STEEL Silence Something about silence makes me sick 'Cause silence can be violent Sorta like a slit wrist If the vibe was suicide Then you would push da button But if ya bowin down Then let me do the cutting Some speak the sounds But speak in silent voices Thoug it fills the air with noises It's transmission bring submission As ya mold to the unreal Mad boy grips the microphone Wit' a fist full of steel Fistful of steel Fistful of steel Fistful of steel Fistful of steel Yes, it's time to flow like the fluid in ya veins If ya will it I will spill it And ya out just as quick as ya came Not a silent one But a defiant one Never a normal one 'Cause I'm the bastard son With the visions of the move Vocals not to soothe But to ignite and put in flight My sense of militance Groovin' playin' this game called survival Status the elite the enemy the rival The silent sheep slippin' riffin',$ff tripping Give ya a glimpse of the reality I'm gripping' Steppin' into the jam and I'm slammin' like Shaquille Mad boy grips the microphone Wit' a fist full of steel Fistful of steel Fistful of steel Fistful of steel Fistful of steel A 44 full of bullets Face full of pale Eyes full of empty A stare full of nails The roulette ball rolls alone on the wheel A mind full of fire And a fist full of steel If the vibe was suicide Then you would push da button But if ya bowin down Then let me do the cutting rage against the machine OK what did you think of that??? I (Greyhawk) think that it's one of the best texts ever made!!!! (me to, -Deckard) By one of the greatest bands ofcoz!!!!!! But now the rest will be text from The other members of DisasterşBandy greets: Zeus/Kefrens Ruselian/Afl And my friends. Contact me: Bandy/DST Martin Pedersen Bredager 6 DK-7120 Vejle WELL, HERE WE ARE! THIS IS CORE AT THE KEYS, 12 DAYS B4 THE SUBMANIA PARTY AND THE RELEASE OF THIS DEMO. I CAN'T SAY MUCH ABOUT THE DEMO, COZ I HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING FROM IT YET, BUT I'M SURE IT WILL BE COOL. ON THE NEXT FEW PAGES A COUPLE OF MESSAGES 4 SOME OF MY CONTACTS. LET'S START WITH... ZEROX/IRIS: HEY MAN! ALWAYS NICE SENDINGS FROM YOU, KEEP IT UP IN THE FUTURE. HOW'S IT GOING WITH THE ORGANIZING? :-) ENJOY THIS DEMO, IT SHOULD APPEAR IN YOUR MAILBOX SOON! THE FLASH/SPEEDY: HI KENT! I'VE JUST RECEIVED YOUR SPEEDY-DENTRO. IT'S A BIT SHORT, BUT NICE ANYWAY. ALSO NICE SENDINGS FROM YOU. I HOPE TO GET THE MONEY 4 MY A1200 SOON, SO I CAN WATCH YOUR FUTURE RELEASES! CUASAP! ANTEX/CONTROL: HEY DANNI! I HAVEN'T HEARD FROM U 4 AGES! ARE WE STILL SWAP- PING OR WHAT? PLEASE RECONTACT ME ASAP! CDLQ/TRANSONIC: YO CHRISTINE! OFCOZ ALSO A GREETING 2 YOU, ONE OF MY BEST CONTACTS EVER. BY THE TIME U READ THIS 'SOUND' HAS PROBABLY BEEN RELEASED, BUT AT THIS MOMENT I'M STILL WAITING 4 IT'S RELEASE... AT THIS MOMENT I DONT KNOW EITHER IF YOU ARE GOING 2 SHOW UP AT THE SUBMANIA- PARTY, BUT I LOOK 4WARD 2 MEETING U THERE IF U DO! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK WITH THE SWOP CHARTS, I REALLY LIKE THE BACKSIDE- STORY! CUASAP 2! TOXIC/ABYSS: IT'S REALLY GREAT TAPES U SEND ME, THANKS A LOT! I'LL SEE IF I CAN GET SOME REAL UNDER- GROUND STUFF 4 U SOON! KEEP MAKING THE SWAP'N'DANCE- CHARTS, THEY'RE GREAT! RAVE 'EM DOWN, MAN! TO ALL OTHER CONTACTS: HOPE U ENJOY THIS DEMO, AND WATCH OUT 4 OUR SUBMANIA-INTRO! NOW SOME INSIDE- MESSAGES. FIRST ONE GOES TO... GREYHAWK: I'M GLAD THAT YOU COULD USE THE ROUTINE-IDEAS. I'M LOOKING 4WARD 2 SEEING THEM 'ALIVE'! BTW: I HAVE FILLED IN THE MISSING Q'S IN THE FONTS NOW. DON'T KNOW HOW I COULD 4GET THEM! HAS YOUR SCHOOL BEEN HOOKED UP TO THE INTERNET YET? OURS HAVEN'T, BUT I GUESS THEY'LL DO IT IN THE SUMMER-HOLIDAYS WHEN WE GET THE NEW PC'S. WE ARE REALLY LOOKING 4WARD TO IT! NO MORE TEXT 4 U NOW, WE'LL TALK AT THE PARTY, RIGHT? DECKARD: BY THE TIME OF THIS DEMO'S RELEASE I'LL PROBABLY HAVE SEEN YOUR GRAFITTI-LOGO. GREYHAWK'S TALKED A LOT ABOUT IT. NOT A LOT MORE 2 SAY 2 U I'M AFRAID, BUT WE'LL TALK AT THE PARTY TOO... MUTTLEY: I HEARD U GOT A 500 MB HARDDISK. CONGRATULATIONS! 2 BAD IT DIDN'T FIT IN YOUR COMPUTER :-) ANYWAY, I SHOULDN'T BE LAUGHING 2 LOUD, SINCE I DON'T EVEN HAVE A HD :-( HEXAGON: WELL, I CHANGED MY HANDLE, SO NOW YOU CAN'T USE THE 'IQ-47 JOKE' ANYMORE. 2 BAD (ohh yeah!! - the rest of the Disaster staff) BUT I GUESS YOU'LL FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO USE AGAINST ME! ANYWAY, SEE YOU AT THE SUBMANIA-PARTY, DIN PUBERTETSFOR- STYRREDE KONFIRMAND! TIME 4 A LITTLE AD. IF YOU'RE LOOKING 4 A "FAST"'N'ALWAYS FRIENDLY CONTACT, TRY THIS ONE: (CORE/DST) BRIAN JENSEN SKIKBALLEVEJ 8 DK-7080 B0RKOP 4 SWAPPING ALL KINDS OF AMIGA-STUFF AND RAVE/TRANCE-TAPES! WELL, GREYHAWK TOLD ME TO WRITE A LOT OF TEXT, BUT I THINK IT MIGHT GET A LITTLE BORING SINCE I REALLY DON'T HAVE ANYTHING INTERESTING TO SAY.(u said it, not me!) EOT - CORE/DST '94 And if u want 2 contact me (Deckard) 4 any reason at all, here comes the add: Mads Vester, Kystvejen 22, 8500 Grenaa, Djursland, DK Well for general contact write to: DISASTER PO BOX 92 6900 SKJERN DENMARK PS: this is also for contact with me Greyhawk Well this is the end of this text but stay tuned becox we will be back with more stuff and boring text.